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Degen | Ambassador @Rodeo_Finance
雷神Value(✊, ⬜) Profile picture Despacito (💙,🧡) Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 27, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
The easiest way to amplify gains is to tweak up the risk.

You can 10x your yield farming yields by using this protocol.

📖 Rodeo Finance is the protocol that we'll be talking about today and I'm also excited to announce that I'll be an ambassador for them.

The protocol has immediate utility and by building on products coming out of the Dopex ecosystem, they are GMI.
Jun 6, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read
Polychain Capital is a VC that realizes potential:

• MakerDAO in 2017
• dydx in 2017
• Starkware in 2018

Want to see their 11 investments this year?

🧵👇 Image The firm was founded in 2016 by Olaf Carlson-Wee who was previously the Head of Risk at Coinbase.

Polychain Capital has been very active over the past year as you can see below.

Bargain deals are found in the bear market if you look hard enough. Image
Jun 5, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Brace for $100M+ of token unlocks this week.

Save yourself from being exit liquidity with this quick guide.

🧵👇 Image On Unlocks

This is where tokens that were previously locked become liquid.

Vesting periods have an established schedule which allows you to prepare.
May 31, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Coinbase Ventures is a gem finder:

• Compound in 2018
• Opensea in 2018
• Synthetix in 2020
• Uniswap in 2020

Let's look at the 4 companies they added to their portfolio this month.

🧵👇 Image If you’re in crypto, you’ve heard of Coinbase.

Their investment arm, Coinbase Ventures, was founded in 2018 and invests in crypto projects that foster the growth of the virtual asset economy. Image
May 30, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
The battle for Layer 2 supremacy between Arbitrum and Optimism rages on.

Let’s look at the key statistics to see who is winning the war.

🧵👇 Image Arbitrum and Optimism are the two premier rollups on Ethereum.

Rollups inherit the security of Ethereum and offer faster and cheaper transactions than mainnet.

Arbitrum TVL is ~2.5x that of Optimism. Image
Mar 22, 2023 33 tweets 12 min read
The $PLS Thesis

As $ARB airdrop eve is upon us, speculators are wondering what other projects on Arbitrum are exciting and have room for growth.

Today, I present the $PLS thesis.

🧵👇 Image @PlutusDAO_io Disclaimer:

I own $PLS, so it’s important that I make it clear that I am biased.

This is just my investment thesis made from the available information.

Conduct your own due diligence and arrive at your own conclusions before aping. Image
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Breaking Down Option Scalps

Option scalps are the newest Dopex product whose release is around the corner.

Today we’ll be talking about how these work and how writers have no downside.

A 🧵 Image Option scalps enable buyers to long or short positions for as long as an hour.

As a buyer, it only costs option premium and margin in case of liquidation.

Collateral is used to purchase the asset they wish to long/short.

Mar 8, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The Base AMM of @orbitaldex

Another week, another dose of information from Orbital.

With their new article, they have shed more light on how their base AMM will work and how it uses the best of other DEXes.

🧵👇 We have already discussed Orbital extensively with the previous thread covering the big picture.

Today the focus will be entirely on the Base AMM of Orbital and how it aims to be premier @arbitrum DEX.

Mar 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The Simpleton’s Guide to Straddles

Today we’re going to focus on long straddles, not to be confused with short straddles which are completely different.

Atlantic Straddles are long straddles which is why we’ll be focusing on this specific option strategy.

A 🧵 Atlantic Straddles have proven to be a remarkably simple product to use from a UX standpoint and continue to garner significant usage.

As of right now, there is liquidity for the following tokens:

1⃣ $ETH
2⃣ $rDPX
3⃣ $DPX
Feb 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Sperax Bribes

Bribes are coming to $PLS lockers sooner than you think.

In this 🧵 we'll talk about how to get your tasty bribes with your $PLS bag. In October 2022, the Plutus team released $plsSPA, their newest pls asset at the time.

The Plutus team saw the potential here and added $SPA as another asset to join the blackhole of governance tokens.

Feb 20, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Did you miss Camelot? You may have a backup plan.

@orbitaldex just released their high level overview and it's some big brain stuff.

Let's cover the key features with a short 🧵👇

medium.com/@OrbitalDEX/64… This upcoming Arbitrum DEX was first teased two months ago.

This protocol is a "joint venture between @dopex_io and @PlutusDAO_io" which are two juggernauts in Arbitrum DeFi.

You'd be redacted to fade this after the performance of @CamelotDEX.

Feb 5, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
The $GLP Wars

Want to enhance your $GLP yield? This thread has you covered.

In this 🧵we're going to talk about the protocols offering you better yields. Before we begin, it's important to note the incredible Dune dashboard created by @defi_mochi that helped to make this possible.

If you want to track the performance of different $GLP vaults, this is what you'll want to use.

Now let's dive in.

Feb 2, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
The Ultimate Guide to $rDPX v2

It’s official, the v2 docs are here.

Let’s break down the whitepaper and understand what this means for $rDPX and Dopex as a whole. The focus of v2 will be on the minting of synthetic assets that will be known as $DSC, short for Dopex Synthetic Coins.

For the sake of simplicity, assume that $DSC is $dpxETH for this thread.
Jan 24, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Tired of getting liquidated on GMX when you're trading?

Using Atlantic Perp Protection on Dopex, you can prevent liquidations when trading up to 10x leverage.

Let's talk about how to use this in a 🧵 Last year, I wrote an extensive piece in Atlantic options.

It's been 9 months now and they're finally here. Highly recommend the recap if this is your first time seeing this.

Read it below:
Jan 14, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The Shift to $dpxETH

The original plan for a native stable derived from $rDPX post v2 has been abandoned.

Let's do a brief 🧵 as to why. Image For those that don't know, $dpxUSD is no longer in the @dopex_io roadmap.

The burning of $rDPX in its v2 iteration will be used to mint $dpxETH.

This will not be a liquid staking derivative but rather a synthetic version of $ETH.
Dec 5, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Do you want to get your $GLP yield above 100% APR, anon?

Read this thread and I’ll teach you how.

$GLP $plvGLP $GMX $PLS To achieve a 3 digit APR, we'll be using $plvGLP from Plutus.

Deposit your GLP in their vault and you’ll receive $plvGLP, an auto-compounding derivative, in return.

Oct 23, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
GMX remains at the forefront of the #RealYield narrative.

In this 🧵 you'll find a collection of tools to improve your experience with the protocol.

$GMX $GLP Copytrading

Using the leaderboard, you can identify the best traders on the protocol and their stats.

By following the top performing wallets, you have a chance at improving your success.

Sep 27, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Plutus - Tokenomics 2.0

@PlutusDAO_io has just released what their revamped tokenomics will look like.

Let's talk about what the future holds for locked Plutus $IPLS.

medium.com/@plutusdao.io/… We are all familiar with $vlCVX which is what @ConvexFinance implemented with great success.

@PlutusDAO_io has iterated upon that model with some innovations, showing respect to @GMX_IO.
Sep 26, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow, the arrival of the @DiamondPepes Gen 2 Mint is upon us.

Let's talk about how this event will work.

blog.dopex.io/articles/diamo… In February 2021, @Mithical_io changed the game with the yield mint which @DiamondPepes also used for Gen 1.

Tomorrow, we will see the first duel mint in history take place.

It is no surprise that @chutoro_au (AKA the greatest to ever live) will preside over this event.
Aug 12, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
While everyone has wondered when the next bull market would begin, Arbitrum tokens have been in one.

Monthly performance:

· $GMX: 83%
· $DPX: 326%
· $rDPX: 258%
· $MAGIC: 242%
· $TCR: 351%
· $JONES: 302%
· $VSTA: 491%
· $PLS: 194%
· $UMAMI: 158%

Let's explore each 🧵 @GMX_IO - $GMX

GMX is a perpetual exchange residing on both Arbitrum and Avalanche.

$GMX is the governance token that accrues fees in the form of $esGMX as well as $ETH. Image
Aug 10, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Dopex just released Atlantic Straddles which gives users another venue to earn yield on stables.

This is the first simplified options strategy on the protocol that is done in one click.

Let’s start from the basics to understand how to use them.

blog.dopex.io/articles/dopex… Straddle

This is an option strategy where a put and call of the same strike price and expiration date are purchased.

The strategy available today is a Long Straddle which requires the purchase of an ATM call and ATM put allowing the buyer to profit off volatility. Image