Daniel García-Castellanos Profile picture
Earthling scientist @CSIC. Born at 321ppm CO2. ∆T=+1.0 ºC, population*2.2 What shapes the Earth's surface? I find unknowns sexier than knowns.
May 15, 2020 24 tweets 7 min read
1) El estudio del Ministerio del pasado miércoles resuelve buena parte de la incertidumbre entorno al futuro de la pandemia en España. Y la cosa no pinta bien.
Solo un 5% de la población había sido infectada por COVID hasta principios de mayo:
lamoncloa.gob.es/serviciosdepre… 2) Esto reduce enormemente los muchos escenarios posibles que hasta ahora se derivaban de los datos de infección y fallecimientos mediante modelos.
Voy a seguir la técnica que describí en estos hilos anteriores para intentar acotar lo que nos espera.
Mar 24, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Another unpopular reminder: Evolution of the lethality of #Covid_19. There should be no evolution, these numbers should be ~constant in space & time for countries with comparable health systems. They are not because WE HAVE NO IDEA how many contagions and hence about lethality. 2. What this 'mortality' is measuring is how many tests have been performed in each country. And even then, lethality is very biased by whether those tests were done randomly or only on symptomatic patients.
Not to talk about what each country defines as "death by covid-19".
Feb 3, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
[1/3] These two videos summarize our interpretation of what happened to the Mediterranean ~5 million years ago based on geological & geophysical data. First, the connections between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean may have closed due to tearing and sinking of the lithosphere [2/3] Then the Mediterranean was evaporated, depositing a layer of salt up to 3 km in thickness. When the Atlantic waters found a new way through the Strait of Gibraltar, the Med underwent the largest flooding event ever recorded.
Jan 22, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ All what you see here used to be land until yesterday. Most of the Ebro Delta has been erased by storm #Gloria, which leaves 9 dead, 4 missing in Spain.
We'll see what the environmental impact is, but this delta's ironic history deserves a thread ⬇️⬇️ 2/ I took this picture back in 2013. The Delta has been loosing area in the last decades. The sediment eroded from the Pyrenees and other areas does not reach the mouth anymore because of the dams built since the 50s, upstream the Ebro River. Image