I love the better @danqing. Co-founder / CEO of @lumahq + @glowwallet. I write about crypto, future of work, China and design.
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May 28, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Jensen Huang, the founder of Nvidia, just gave a commencement speech in Taiwan.
Like Steve Jobs in 2005, he shared 3 stories — 3 pivotal decisions that led Nvidia to where it is today.
The stories are about humility, perseverance, and focus. Here they are.
1. Humility
Nvidia's first application was 3D graphics. It came up with a technology called forward texture mapping and won a contract with Sega, a Japanese gaming company.
However, after a year of development, Nvidia realized this tech is a wrong, technically poor strategy.
Jan 30, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Recently I stumbled upon the story of Arizona Iced Tea, a brand started in 1992 that today has an annual revenue of over $3 billion.
Companies that sell commodities always fascinate me, as it’s much harder for them to differentiate than tech cos.
So what’s its secret sauce?
First, a bit of history.
The two founders of Arizona had a beverage distribution business since 1970. In 1990, they saw the popularity of Snapple iced tea and juice, and attempted to make their own.
(Fun fact: The company is in New York and the founders had never been to AZ.)
Jan 4, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Design is hard, but modern CSS makes it a bit easier :)
In 2023’s first episode of the design series, I want to share 5 under-utilized CSS rules that can make your design nicer, simpler and more fun.
The best part? All of them are well supported today!
1. Sticky Positioning
Turns out CSS is the best way to let headers or footers be sticky. JS solutions are complex and cause the element to slide.
With CSS, it's as simple as position: sticky + telling it where to stick to.
A large part of this is choosing colors — *everything* you design needs a color.
I’ve realized that while true mastery takes years, there are simple, scientific rules that can make your colors much nicer.
Here are 10 practical tips for choosing colors.
1. Use slightly blue-shifted gray instead of “perfect” gray.
This applies to both backgrounds and texts.
An easy trick: grab a gray (e.g. #d1d1d1) and make it #d1d3d5.
This makes the color less “yellow,” which feels more fresh and clean. (less “aging”)
Oct 3, 2022 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Design is hard.
But I’ve come to realize that laying out texts properly is 80% of what makes something look clean, and is the easiest thing you can do to make your design much nicer and more usable.
Here are 10 practical tips for improving your text layout.
1. Use comfortable line heights.
What’s important is to not use the same line height for your titles and body texts.
- For title, a good range is 1.1 - 1.3x
- For body, it’s 1.3 - 1.5x
As a rule of thumb, larger texts should have smaller line height.
May 12, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
The unraveling of UST and Luna is probably the most impressive event in crypto this year.
I knew nothing about them so I did some research. So here's a simple thread on why UST collapsed.
1. Let's first see what's a (USD) stable coin:
It's one that you can buy or sell for ~$1 apiece, on an exchange like Coinbase.
The $1 is a market price — you are trading with other people. It's just that everyone is happy to accept $1 as the price if things go as intended.
Feb 9, 2022 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Since launching @glowwallet, many people have asked why we are doing a wallet, and how Glow is different.
Here are my thoughts 🧵
We are building a wallet because it’s the most important piece in web3 — you can’t do anything without it.
But existing wallets fall short on 3 things we deeply care about. As a product team. And as consumers ourselves.
And they are how Glow is different.
Oct 21, 2021 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Two Chinese streamers sold 18 billion RMB (about $3B) worth of goods in a half-day livestream yesterday.
That's almost as much as Twitter's annual revenue ($3.72B).
The screenshots.
Top: total amount in RMB.
First row: # SKU, number of items sold (w means 10k), number of items sold for the most popular SKU.
Second row: avg price per order, number of followers gained, RMB sold for the most popular SKU (in 100M).
May 22, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
My favorite thinker by far is @eugenewei. If there's a constant stream of Eugene's thoughts I'd listen to it all day.
Before that happens, a 90 min video is a good alternative. Some takeaways below:
1. Path-dependency of Social
The earliest adopters of a platform shape what it is to a large extent. For example, Pinterest doesn't _have_ to be mostly for women, but its earliest users were women, and that shaped the product more than its features.