Daphne S. Ling 🧠 👩‍🔬 🇨🇦 Profile picture
@UBC Neuroscience PhD student. Executive Functions, Prefrontal Cortex, #Dopamine, #Anatomy. #Hufflepuff. Hates pizza. She/her. #WomenInSTEM. #DisabledInSTEM.
Oct 31, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
Recently, a #tenured #prof at a grp dinner made a #sexist joke. I didn't laugh.

He pointed at me & called me out on it.

"See, I knew SHE wouldn't get it."

I reported it to an #administrator & copied a 1st yr prof also present at dinner. She corroborated my story.

Thread 1/7 Like me, she couldn't say anything during dinner as senior prof collaborated w/ our prog, which he reminded us several times. The administrator I spoke to was sympathetic & concerned, & assured us that senior prof is a well-known a**. We aren't the 1st to run afoul of him. 2/7