TLDarby 🍁☮️ 🌻😷 Proudly Anti-Fascist Profile picture
All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Find Me: on Spoutible @ darbyTL post@darbyTL,
Feb 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
A possibility if Russia/Putin isn't stopped at Ukraine. His agenda was made clear for years, even posted a paper on his "Manifest Destiny". It's been a long for him 1st as KGB, now as Dictator for life. The main objective of his rebuilding the USSR was to destroy democracies.../2 2/...from within. He began with the US finding vulnerable targets aka Trump who would begin the downward slope into chaotic anarchy vis a vis GOP. Destroying the pillars of the Republic's democracy 1st by undermining the 4th estate turning it into a 5th column, then having .../3
Sep 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
👍🏽I hate the creeping fear the current political arena has allowed to seep into my conscience. It trickled since 2016 but has become a torrent for me. It's happening in Cda and globally with one just having to look south of the 49th. This is what neo-conservativism has.../2 2/...planned for decades, to achieve a total capture and destruction of any form of democracy. As Cdns, our ethos supported our smugness that 'no, this can't happen here', and yet, in the full light of day, it has been. forced on us thru both domestic & foreign bad actors. .../3
Aug 7, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵It's been hard for those who have previously supported and/or voted Progressive Conservatives Federally to not have a permanent home in these politically dangerous times. One may go to either extreme of L/R n still not have any comfort in their choice. The Liberals have.../2 2/...stepped into the political void by moving sometimes left sometimes right but not fully embracing the centre as they once did. Don't take this the wrong way, the Liberals are still head n shoulders politically above the current alternatives. .../3
Jun 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Altho for some, it may be tempting to feel empathy for Ms.MRG, who's blocked so many Cdns on this platform, don't. Her actions have sealed her fate with both the party that wants to be an extreme RW SoCon Party n against those who really want.../2
#cdnpoli 2/...a return to a more moderate true BLUE progressive conservative party. This "infighting" has been going on since MacKay sold out/backstabbed the PC party to Harper; 1 reason why Harper kept hard/fast control on the CPC members. .../3
Apr 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"...Cda is resilient n our economy is recovering well from the COVID‑19 recession... Our GDP grew 6.5% in the 4th q, making us the 2nd strongest economy in G7. We have recovered 112% jobs lost because of the pandemic, compared to only 90% in the US".../2 2/... Rebekah Young, dir fiscal n prov economics at Scotiabank...said the danger Freeland faces with budget lies in doing too much rather than too little. Any sort of fiscal stimulus that goes directly to Cdn households tends to be spent quickly, .../3
Feb 13, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Always had respect for the 4th estate, that is, until Harper, the neoliberal agenda n the SMS supporting it. Illiberalism only rose to prominence once SMS was used as their tool bought by extreme RW dark $$. Murdoch did journos no favour, neither did the journos that hopped on. There have always been well-respected journos even to this day. Why? Because they stayed true to their profession providing FACTs NOT clickbait. But they've been overwhelmed with the "populism" tool used by those like FoxNews et al whose only agenda was to weaken democracy.
Oct 6, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@CailinasEirinn @macleans We citizens rightfully called out the media on their bad behaviour. Their comeback is to use their powerful platforms to pillory not only government but those of us who disagree with their divisive journalism n opinions. How is that a 4th estate value? .../2 @CailinasEirinn @macleans 2/... They are just as accountable to us as the government is. But they're not seeing it that way. Some have slung hate, misogyny, racism at those jurnos and that's 10000% wrong which most common sense Cdns don't support one iota, regardless of partisanship. .../3
Dec 13, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
@Scribulatora Hmm. In these exigent circumstances, global/economic pandemic, that is similar to WWII for example, "wealth taxes" 'til the '80s was/is warranted. Reaganomics killed it. The wealth disparity is humungous. I don't condone wholesale leveling but it would..../2 @Scribulatora 2/ our social society to become more fair when taxes are more top heavy for the >3% while the <80% pay smaller or no taxes for a period of time. Not against unions but have not seen any do good in the last 40+ years other than.../3
Nov 20, 2018 8 tweets 11 min read
@fordnation @VictorFedeli @C_Mulroney @PBethlenfalvy @RodPhillips01 @SteveClarkPC To recap DoFo/OPC:
YOU gave up $275,000,000 in revenue axing a small surtax on the wealthy.
YOU gave up $3,000,000,000 in revenue axing cap & trade.
Saved $14,000 axing some landlines.
Saved $26,000 axing paper.
Hmmmm? Columns aren't adding up yet. But wait, there's more... @fordnation @VictorFedeli @C_Mulroney @PBethlenfalvy @RodPhillips01 @SteveClarkPC Killed cap & trade
Fired Privatization Officer
Fired Chief scientist
Fired Investment Officer
Refused assistance to asylum seekers
Killed legislation to reduce scalping prices
Killed Bill 175 updating the police service act
Delayed Immunization reporting rules