David Munday Profile picture
It's me! Views mostly my own apart from those that aren't. Also lead professional officer (mental health) for @UniteInHealth, health visitor & nurse.
Nov 28, 2019 44 tweets 93 min read
Looking forward to 2 days with @HSJnews at their 'Transforming Mental Health Summit'. There will be tweets, with the hashtag of #HSJTMHSummit. @Rebeccasmt in the chair. @UniteinHealth @Unite_MHNA @Mental_Elf @MHNAUK @WeMHNurses @HSJnews @Rebeccasmt @UniteinHealth @Unite_MHNA @Mental_Elf @MHNAUK @WeMHNurses @VanessaLGarrity @MarkOneinFour @HollieCPN @Evri_Sunshyne @cityalan @benhannigan @JohnBaker_Leeds @BenT_DH @MhnExpert @niadla The agenda for the next two days is here: Bit.ly/2OPyCUN. Chatting to the organisers, tweets will actually be heavily reduced and redacted as they're operating under Chatham House Rules due to #GE2019 Purdah #HSJTMHSummit
Nov 25, 2019 20 tweets 18 min read
We’re at the @nmcnews #PrideInNursing event tonight, but first we’re having a tour around @florencemuseum. @UniteinHealth @Unite_MHNA @Unite_CPHVA @Beach_Jane. Hoping the drinks and canapés will not be gone by the time we’ve finished @Crouchendtiger7 😉 We’re learning about ‘The Lady With The Fanoos’ @florencemuseum #PrideInNursing
Nov 18, 2019 42 tweets 80 min read
Looking forward to todays 'Making a difference in Wales' conference, organised by @MHAWSNAG, at @RCNWales. There will be tweets and the hashtag to follow is ➡️#MHNWales19 @MHAWSNAG @RCNWales @WeMHNurses @Mental_Elf @MHNAUK @benhannigan @niadla @cityalan @UniteinHealth @Unite_MHNA @GavinFergie @HazelPowell11 Here's the flier for todays @MHAWSNAG event. The focus of the event is on the Mental Health Nursing Framework for Wales which you can access here: 1000livesplus.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/docu… #MHNWales19
Oct 16, 2019 90 tweets 76 min read
Up, out and ready for #CPHVA19. There will be tweets. Join in. It’ll be fun! @Unite_CPHVA @UniteinHealth The calm before the storm. At least it’s dry in here. We’ve got definite Yorkshire drizzle this morning in Harrogate @Unite_CPHVA #CPHVA19
Oct 1, 2019 168 tweets 825 min read
Last year, with help of @denis_campbell @ObserverUK, I shared #HVreEndangered. This was an attempt to answer Q, as accurately as possible, how many health visitors there were in England. You can read more abt 2018 attempt/results⬇️. In late Feb 2019 I started #HVreEndangeredv2 1/ I contacted each local authority in England and asked them 5 questions ⬇️. I also gave a note of clarity about what I was asking for ⬇️. As the replies came in, I added them to a spreadsheet. In the run up to #CPHVA19, I wanted to share the results #HVreEndangeredv2 2/
Sep 28, 2019 35 tweets 31 min read
Looking forward to todays #MentalHealthCrisisSummit with @keepnhspublic @nhscampaigns in London. I'll be speaking this afternoon on health of health service professionals in a session that will be focused on the mental health of workers @UniteinHealth @unitetheunion @Unite_MHNA This mornings #MentalHealthCrisisSummit is chaired by @SoniaAdesara. She promises this won’t be a talking shop but will come up with campaign aims that we can all sign up to.