David Bent Profile picture
Advisor, futurist, coach for #sustainability. Fellow:@EHFNewZealand;Chair:@EIRISFoundation;Affil:@CSciPol @forum4thefuture;ex-@TransformTomo. Views own
Jan 21, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
A build on analysis of automotive industry from @asymco (via @nextwavefutures daily newsletter) which points out 'firms that are husbanding capital can be “disrupted” by those who squander it'.

Is capital efficiency the right focus all the time?


1/? In 'Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy' @billjaneway:

'when economic growth over time is driven by unpredictable bursts of technological innovation that is speculatively financed, the allocation of resources to at any is bound to appear inefficient.'

Mar 6, 2019 21 tweets 6 min read
So, @Jonathan_Rowson's tweet got me thinking. We face a strange situation: pretty much all of the main players in our politics are detached from important parts of reality. #Brexit 1/ The loudest Remainers seem to want to go back to 2016. They are detached from pre-ref reality: there had been failures of UK democracy for decades. #Brexit 2/
Jan 29, 2019 26 tweets 16 min read
#AlternativeUniverse #Brexit Tonight the UK Parliament votes on a package of measures from @theresa_may's Royal Commission on Leaving the EU.

#AlternativeUniverse #Brexit After becoming PM in Sep 2016, May surprised everyone by saying the UK needed to build a consensus on the future of the nation before triggering Article 50.

Dec 2, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read

‘We Leavers have a critique that before Ref establishment ignored strongly-held opinions on identity & immigration they were in a minority &/or unable to be in representative politics because of structures (FPTP, few working class reps)...’

1/ ‘...now that we are the establishment, we wish to make exactly the same mistake, by defining those who voted Leave as ‘the people’, & everyone else as ‘not the people’ so we can ignore them...’
