[THREAD] Dear @PattyMurray , I received an email from you today earnestly asking for input. You wrote "I can’t tell you how important your voice is to me. What I hear from folks like you in Washington state drives everything I do in the other Washington." So I wrote you back...1/
Unfortunately, my email was returned undeliverable. Strange, since you so desire to hear from the public. So I thought I'd copy my letter here.
Senator Murray:
I am a one-issue voter.
I live in California under the crushing oppression of #AB5, now a.k.a #AB2257. 2/
Jan 19, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
More #AB5stories From the Freelancers Against AB5 Facebook Group. " I’d like to raise my voice for older people who have “aged out” of the employment pool before retirement but still need to work..." 1/5 #RepealAB5
"...every senior barely getting by with Social Security; and every person whose disability might confine them to their home or restrict their opportunities.AB5 is restraint of trade - ours - and the state of California has no right to dictate..." 2/5 #RepealAB5