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Apr 1, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
As noted recently by @StopLyi58491572, the 1.1% of the population who are Pentecostals are clearly a problem, mostly because they have managed to gain power like (sorry) the Taliban, ultra-orthodox Jews, US fundies.
This is not new in #auspol Their grasp on power is part of an ongoing #auspol reluctance to have a serious (& probably impossible to do openly) discussion about the role of beliefs in our supposedly secular society.
Mar 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Why not get tested tested tested young folks working in kitchens (and getting up driving hours) for vastly expanded Meals on Wheels ( desperate for volunteers) to prepare and deliver meals to vulnerable peopl - not just old , but those with debilitating / dangerous conditions. And, just for the heck of it, and if needed, get the army involved to organise, provide transport, logistics, mobile kitchens ...meanwhile giving young (and old if they want to) accredited training ... we really have to get clever, folks ...
May 26, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
Belief, religion and politics. A thread.

1/ At least now we can dispense with the illusions about the role of religion in Australian politics. We could all see (cos he wanted us to) the PM waving for the cameras at his Pentecostal barn, 2/ ... and there can't be too many people who didn't note Israel Folau heroically taking a major pay cut as the price for sticking vociferously to his Assemblies of God inspired beliefs. None of this is new.