Jennifer Depew, RD Profile picture
Nutrients make everything else possible. Registered Dietitian. reTw/Likes/Follows aren't endorsement.
Jul 4, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
No glasses 🤓 July 3rd is before and tonight is after.
Is there a visible change to see?
My answer to follow.

Apr 28, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
@ichudov Colitis is a part of both stress or CoV issues and is complex to resolve.
I have had to do that for myself so I have a lot of info, but mainstream med won't have them. I had to figure it out for myself.

I can share links- chronic diarrhea is more than a 280ch topic. @ichudov TRP channel activators have to be avoided strictly. Turmeric, ginger, hot or black pepper, cinnamon, horseradish, nutmeg, cloves, mint maybe, CBD drops may be a trigger,
Too hot or too cold, & pressure changes…
#colitis #IBS
Feb 22, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
Step 1 - accept chronic illness as present
Step 2 - pursue THOROUGH self-care solutions
Step 3 - Prenatal/Child page is good for the family (no elderly specific info on the page though)…
Step 4 - autoimmune & mitochondrial support!… Step 5 -
"Doctors can't help or they refuse to help. " @BlueSlots
<- accept that that statement, sadly, is factual - the medical system has been taught wrong. They are either confident in their wrong methods, or complicit with the culling. CAUTION entering care & losing rights
Feb 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I think there is a bigger issue here - modern lidmfe is causing congenital birth changes in so many people and we all want to feel accepted and pretty or handsome. Soooo, this is being normalized instead of being linked to toxins & nutrient deficiencies prenatally. In trying to write about pre-conception education to help prevent autism, I met a huge pushback- "You are trying to "prevent" ME!"
Um, no, I am trying to promote greater health on average for all babies.

Too many toxins & alcohol by men, are causing DNA changes & birth defects.