Damien Henry Profile picture
SVP @StabilityAI Cofounder @ClipdropaApp Created GoogleCardboard @Google Oblique Strategy as a way of life.
Apr 8, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read
Someone asked me recently why the Paris AI ecosystem is so 🔥 these days.

On the surface, it looks like Paris became a major #AI center overnight, but it didn't.

It took time and didn't appear by accident.

Here is a story that started more than 10 years ago.
👇 In 2013 @Xavier75 created Ecole 42.

This unusual school accepts students from many different backgrounds and trains them to code based on peer-to-peer learning.

(The concept was imported into the state by Lambda School and some others later.)
Oct 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I created the Google Cardboard almost ten years ago but quit VR soon after to focus on Machine Learning.

VR is based on a ridiculous misunderstanding.

Let me explain why in this thread. Image The VR promise is to bring “a sense of presence” to computing.

But the “sense of presence,” seeing things as if they were there, adds little value beyond the wahoo effect it generates.

The misunderstanding is between "immersion" and a "sense of presence."
Oct 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Large Language Models (LLM) like GPT3 are great for completing a sentence or a paragraph. This is exactly what they have been trained for.

A surprising consequence, they are quite good at question answering.

But what if they can use a calculator? Or consult Wikipedia?

👇 Turns out it's possible!

Sep 8, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
How clipdrop.co/relight works?

A short thread to explain how realtime relighting of a picture is possible. First, we trained a deep neural network to predict a depth map and a normal map from a picture.
Dec 28, 2019 40 tweets 24 min read
I had the chance to go to Vancouver for @NeurIPSConf, one of the biggest conference dedicated to Machine Learning and #AI.

It's was a big week, and in this thread I'll summarize what I learned there :-) Sunday is all about the very long lines to register.

There was 13k attendees this year!

Dec 10, 2018 27 tweets 12 min read
#NeurIPS2018 is over! Time to wrap up!

In this thread I'll share what I found the most interesting in the field of ML and creativity.

Everything below worth your time IMO! First day, the talk by @viegasf & @wattenberg about DataVisualisation was excellent: theoretical and practical.