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Mar 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
In India, we produce just half a kg waste per person every day. It’s not a lot – in the USA, citizens produce more than 2 kg of paste on an average. In fact, the global average is 0.74 kg, and we produce a lot less than that. 1/5 But because of our massive population, we actually produce more waste than every
country in the world!

More than 200 million tonnes of it.

So, where does all our waste go? 2/5
Mar 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Pick up any part of your life & you’ll notice one brand whose products or services you use.

Salt. Transport. Tech. Tea. Clothes. The brand, of course, is Tata. A family business that has survived for 200 years.

And by no coincidence. In fact, there is a reason for this. 1/6 The Tatas’ success isn’t something that happened overnight. It began 200 years ago with Nusserwanji Tata, who travelled to learn and build his own business.

And then, he encouraged his young son to do the same. 2/6
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In 1947, the British handed over India to our new rulers. But there’s one detail. They actually handed over just 60% of the country over. The rest 40% belonged to Indian royalty.

They were Princely States, and not all of them actually wanted to be in India. 1/4 So, our leaders had a lot of work to do. One, convince the princely states to join the new India. And then, decide how to divide this new India into states.

And this might come as a surprise, but the initial state borders weren’t drawn based on language at all. 2/4
Apr 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
In India, food isn’t just a means of sustenance. It’s a way of life for us, and that’s obvious — just look at the role food plays in our culture, festivals, even our memories. Actually, everything we eat - and everything we don’t - has a reason. 1/5 It’s not just personal. Our food is political. For instance: often, the line between veg and non-veg food leads to political spats. The idea of “purity” and “impurity” goes back to caste. Even something as simple as eating Pav Bhaji has a reason…2/5
Apr 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A 26-year old civil war. Fought by different sides, but led by one man. He went undetected & undefeated.

You guessed it: this is the Sri Lanka civil war & the man is Vellupillai Prabhakaran. But what I
want to talk about today is why this event is a part of Indian history. 1/6 In the late 1980s, the Tamil community of India was putting a lot of pressure on the government. Why? Because their own people were being abused and attacked in our neighbouring country, Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese and Tamil people were at war. India decided to do something. 2/6
Mar 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Earlier: Freedom House downgraded India to a “Partly Free” country

Now: V-Dem organization downgrades India from a democracy to an “electoral autocracy”

Their indicators say India is now worse than Bangladesh and Nepal in terms of Censorship and is as autocratic as Pakistan. These are the exact indicators based on which the downgrade has happened

You can see a drastic fall in almost all of them - harrasment of journalists, court independence, election vote buying etc
Nov 1, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Was #StatueOfUnity a Good Investment?

It cost 3000 Cr and generated 72 Cr Revenue in 1 yr

👉 If you keep this much money in savings bank @ 5% interest, you'd get 150 Cr every year without doing anything!

👉Taxpayers paid for Statue, taxpayers pay to see Statue. Double Dhamaka! 👉 Maintence and employee costs significantly bring down the profit generated from revenue

👉 Talking about maintence, during the rainy season Statue got flooded because of bad design. Authorities said it's not a defect but it's a part of design.
Oct 19, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Events in #KamleshTiwari case

- UP Home Secratory said it's personal enmity
- A random Telegram group was created - Al Hind Brigade, some unknown terror group claims responsibility for attack
-Then, Gujarat ATS arrested 3 people, said murder was communal but no terror link - Those 3 arrested apparently claim responsbility. They said #KamleshTiwari was murdered because of his comment abusing Prophet Mohammed.

Sad if true, blasphemy should be tolerated by all religions and non-religions for true freedom of speech in the country
Oct 11, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
It's so easy to fool Right Wingers in India that I was thinking of doing a social experiment

- Tell my girlfriend to come on Twitter, pose in Indian dress
- Make website for Adsense
- Post articles praising Modi, Cows, Gaumutra
- Say Hindu Khatre Mein Hai 2x a day
- Profit $$ Few characteristics which makes this a promising business even as a fake account -

1. Bhakts are highly predictable: Even before an event happens you already know how they will react.

2. Bhakts are stupid: Logical errors, grammar mistakes don’t matter to them. Refer: Opindia
May 13, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Compiled List of #Fekugiri till now only from last two interviews of our Supreme Leader -

1️⃣👉 I had a digital camera in 1987-88 even before digital cameras existed

2️⃣👉 I sent a color photo through email in 1988 even before the internet came to India 3️⃣👉 Look at my handwriting.. it's so bad that it's printed text

4️⃣👉 I washed my own clothes till I became Gujarat Chief Minister, but my washerman from 1970s was very famous
Apr 2, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Here are some promises which I personally love in the #CongressManifesto -

1. Education will get 6% share in Budget (currently it’s lowest in decade at 3.5%)

2. Removal of Electoral Bonds (Modi got this disaster in 2017 which legalized corruption in funding of pol. parties) 3. New law to stop monopoly and cross ownership of media (currently almost all media is sold out)

4. Defamation will be made a civil law (currently, top people in the country exploit it to shut down critical voices)

5. Air Pollution will be declared a National Health Emergency
Mar 25, 2019 18 tweets 6 min read
The most underreported disaster of Modi Govt has been it's attack on our Environment.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Modi Govt has declared a war on India's environment & ecology. In this thread, I will share with you some shocking instances from past 5 years

Read on👇 Let's start from July 2014...

Modi Govt's environment ministry used a bureaucratic loophole to REMOVE THE BAN on setting up and expansion of polluting factories in eight critically polluted industrial belts.
