Dil Green: Novel: -Money/-Governance/-Wisdom Profile picture
Pragmatic utopian - striving to craft appropriate interventions for structure preserving systemic transformation. https://t.co/cHDDQwJpa9 https://t.co/dRvtnFBpMo
Nov 15, 2024 40 tweets 8 min read
@99blackbaloons @Nolongerscot By talking about individual life forms - trees mostly, the author imposes a serious category error upon us.

The economy is not a single species, but an ecosystem. The controlling characteristics of ecosystems are not encoded but discovered, enacted, experienced.

1/- @99blackbaloons @Nolongerscot They emerge.

This is not to say thet there can be no memory, no learning, but that any process of developing wisdom is not, and cannot ever be managed.
This is not to say that complex systems are beyond control or influence by intentional humans.

But any attempt to apply..

Nov 3, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@thoughtland This has always been true.

But #PathDependency, and #InstitutionalInterlock.

What matters is the design of the adjacent possibles which meet the trifecta:

Attractively adoptable.

Systemically self reinforcing

Institutional independence. @thoughtland *Attractively adoptable*

Must appeal strongly to participants in niches where:

- there is high systemic significance

- participants have relatively high agency

And must offer benefits without overt risk to future wellbeing of early adopters.
Oct 6, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
As a child, I honestly never saw my parents, or my grandparents, or almost any adult I knew, actually *do* anything which created economic value.

A consumerist society is an extraordinary thing - a culture almost completely alienated from the production of fundamental value. This is not to say that I never saw them create value - they did all sorts of good things - but these were never economic - not in the sense the word is currently used.

So in a strong sense, nothing they I witnessed them doing was real. It was all contingent.
Apr 25, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Unpopular opinion - failure to understand which is likely to undermine any analysis and resulting schemes for getting civilisation through the omnicrisis.

Life is a ponzi scheme.

Definition of a ponzi : It pays off old liabilities with new growth.

Life gets its energy...

1/- .. by catalysing release of potential energy from its environment, creating entropy, but managing to syphon off just enough to give a positive return.

Life degrades the inorganic to build life. The only way life survives is by growing its sphere faster than it degrades it.

Apr 23, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
I think quite a bit - much more than a non-scientist should, about the cultural failure of complexity science.

This is a thread about a thought on that.

The failure - imvho - is that complexity science failed to take its superpower seriously, failed to become a paradigm..

1/- .. shift.

The superpower of complexity science is to provide strong characterisation of probabilistic 'landscapes'.

The failure has been, not to insist that these are orders of magnitude more useful than hard numbers, or hard proofs, but rather to apologise for lack of..

Aug 5, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Conditioned by the *experience* of money as a_scarce commodity_ we have built that story into our culture.

The actuality - that all money is trust based credit - not a thing which can be owned, but a social relationship whose value depends upon a social setting - seems lost.
1/- This condition imposes upon us a double bind.

First, our sociality is undermined, as, certain that there is not enough to go round, we are condemned, always, to worry about having enough.

Worried, we compete, we hoard, we value the short term over the long, we trust less.

May 17, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
@GreenPartyMolly in Stroud there is a nascent Commoning movement underpinned by some next-level tools and insight into community wealth building.
What we are beginning to call me so-economic design - economics that is focused on collaborative Commons contexts.

1/- .. there is real substance here, with models that can be designed around any communal effort that has a sufficient degree of attainable internal circularity. Models which know how to design the boundary and interaction between inside and outside money, that can federate.

May 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Money. Another one.

For a money activist who understands that the basic mechanics of money are and can only ever be simple, only two things actually matter.

1/- 1: what they consider to be the desirable social outcomes of using money.

2: what the stories as to how money works are in the culture (inside ppls heads) where they hope to provoke movement toward those desirable social outcomes.

It is crucial that ...

May 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is something we all need to think carefully about.
The current praxis of the apparent human project over the last few tens of millennia is not encoded in dna, but in culture. It is not robust. That culture is driving towards an existential crisis.

1/2 "Rip it up and Start Again" is often a good choice.

But in this case the 'sunk cost' is, effectively, 'most of what makes being human what it it experientially appears to be'.

Not to mention that >50% of us live in cities, utterly dependent upon..

Mar 25, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
If we can't develop a theory of change which addresses this reality, head on, in full listening mode, then we may as well forget about it and retreat to our friendship groups.

We must see that, while regenerative human interaction must be - will always be - the praxis for..
1/.. ..change, that it can no longer be the strategy for change.

Like it or not, colonialist finance has suborned the context of our interactions.

The Situationist insight was to understand the Spectacular Society.

But that has evolved. We now inhabit the Systemic Society,
Apr 23, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
@matslats this podcast clarifies for me some parallels between #MMT thinking and #MutualCredit. I think it may give us some clues as to direction in market making.
Mostly relates to #MonetarySovereignty
1/n Defn is spelled out for a country that has #MonetarySovereignty:
1/ issues own currency
2/ takes taxe, fees etc in own currency
3/ only issues debt denominated in own currency
4/ attempts stable exchange rate wrt other stable currencies.