Disappointed Optimist Profile picture
I did a good tweet once, you won't have read it because it was on another twitter. See something that concerns you on the TL? Drop me a DM. They/Them.
Jun 17 5 tweets 2 min read
Whenever I see the fashion Guy his thing on twitter I feel like I’m witnessing the reincarnation of some wise ancient samurai casually, yet elegantly, yet forcefully, removing the head from someone with the force of a hurricane. Image As @EwaSR put it

Mar 31 45 tweets 7 min read
I’m sure everyone will be delighted to hear I am about to spend 5 days in caravan on the coast where everyone is looking forwards to the evenings where we all go to play bingo. Image “What if it’s raining?”

“We can go to the retail park or wookie hole”
Apr 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I am, you know, kinda in awe of fact that the more I hear from Sunak the more it becomes apparent he is even more disconnected from being able to engage with the public in a normal way Approximately 40% of the UK are facing panic stations on their month to month or week to week finances. There are “literal heat or eat” conversations going on. Food bank use is soaring.
Apr 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
He’s gonna do it folks; he’s really gonna do it. He’s gonna defend the Parliament Porn. Ah the journey of a Lilico thinking arc through Twitter:
Apr 26, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Building another Twitter probably is not that hard. It’s not overly complex as a platform.

Getting people to brand it, support it and use it is the almost impossible part.

The actually impossible bit is making everyone believe it could make lots of money. The thing I’ve learned from lots of hard years of doing cool tech stuff in one of the most lucrative sectors is that people fundamentally want technology to be free “just because” and you have to make software for very little, graft hard to meet expectations then build user base
Apr 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Honestly I feel I should have known more about this absolutely bat shit moment in history Just look at that: absolutely bonkers big brain stuff simply to maintain price of dairy. Tell me again about that free market Reagan was so keen on
Apr 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Something that seems to escape lots of people is that the average household income in the UK is actually not that big: And that when they go all “I’m not rich, it’s nonsense, I work hard for this money” what you are lacking is not hard work, but fucking perspective on just how far ahead you are of others.
Apr 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Setup a short message social media business with a purple toucan as its logo & call it “Tweeter” for just $1bn and spend the rest of the money on housing & getting seriously fucked up Reckon with $20bn I could buy a couple of really nice tower blocks in London then rent them out to under 30s & really piss off the landlords as I charge incredible reasonable rents thus knocking the arse out of the market place
Apr 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Now let me tell you about what the under 20s have been dealing with since… oooohhhh ever since the Conservatives came to power Honestly: “won’t somebody think of the pensioners ?” As literally every last bridge for the British economy is soundly burned
Apr 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This game has its flaws, but you cannot fault the ambition of it. Here’s hoping for new content to continue the journey in Night City.

#Cyberpunk2077 Image I took the life path of the Nomad & the game really shaped around it nicely. My character developed into a jack of all but good at shooting stuff & making stuff - with a sideline in hacking. The ending I chose was apparently the “nicest” one but each one is very different
Sep 29, 2021 35 tweets 6 min read
(TW: assault, stalking)

Recent events have put me of a mind to recall a unpleasant & frankly terrifying episode I was witness to. To this day I think about it & think on how much of a reveal it was to me at time & impact on people involved. Many years ago I worked in a call centre. I was part of a team thrown together from contractors who worked in other call centres & had experience (SITEL in fact). Got offered sweet rates to move to yet another call centre.
Sep 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Biden is doing it. He’s actually doing the thing he said he would. I do not care about your political colours:
He set out to make starving poor kids lives better & by God he is doing it. We need more of this kind of politics, not less.
Sep 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Woah woah woah there chief you let the cocaine do the typing again didn’t you? It’s not an opinion my dude, its catchword bingo on steroids. Someone should have just slapped you when you presented this for online consumption.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This is… this is… amazing. Gold.
You simply wouldn’t get this kind of interaction on a normal platform. “I have done a kind thing for you with a treasured memory, here”

“Thank you kind stranger”

“I done pimped up your dead wife photo. She look banging now. Check it.”
Sep 27, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Honestly it smacks of not really taking the problem seriously So the issues, based upon reading up & following some really insightful real world perspectives as opposed to years & years of bullshit both by politics & by logistics firms:
Jun 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Woah woah woah there let me re-read this It’s a merry go round of what-the-fuck?
Jun 9, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Here they come, the people who make you want to mute the popular tweet notifications “Well actually...”
Jun 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Oh. Oh no. This is... not a good sign. If Neil decides to use this channel as a showboat for his interview technique this pony is going to get very tired performing very quickly.
Jun 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday I went to a fun farm theme park place with my boys (inset day).

In the giant wooden play castle area there was a sword imbedded into a block of concrete.

My boys insisted I try & draw the sword out.

Readers : the concrete block was not actually attached to anything (Me: grunting)

(Grating noise as I suddenly swing a concrete breeze block attached to a steel imitation sword at some 4 year olds)

Sep 29, 2020 32 tweets 5 min read
I will always remember first time I took an American to Amsterdam for a bit of a night out:
“Dude, I gotta ask - why are all these women dancing in their underwear in the windows?”

(I raise a quizzical eyebrow)

“How do you mean?”

“Why do it? Do you put tips under r the door?” “They.... they are sex workers. Prostitutes. Women, men & other of the night. This is a red light district. Hence the red light theme.”
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
My weird dream last night:
My 2 year gets excited there’s a squirrel. Sure enough a big bushy tailed squirrel is sat on the fence at the end of the garden.
“That’s funny” I think, “that squirrel DOES look big”
The squirrel hops down from the fence, slowly crawling, then walking I realise as it advances that in fact, it’s a very big squirrel, that increasingly instead of moving like a squirrel, its starting to look like Ray Winston in a squirrel costume