Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Cyberpunk2077

Most recents (24)

Иногда, когда у меня есть свободное время, я рисую всратые Paint-style (нарисованные мышкой в Photoshop) комиксы\мемы. Парочка из них даже разошлась на мемы.

Так как я давно не рисовал, то решил сделать тред со всеми своими шизоидными рисунками перед релизом нового. ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
This originally looked like a cool idea to me, until au read the terms of the contest and realized that @CDPROJEKTRED is still acting like a corporate villain in #CyberpunkEdgerunners or #cyberpunk2077 🧵1
Rather than pay artists what they are worth for using their work in mega selling AAA videogame, ie a reasonable royalty per unit or a flay cash payment for a limited license, @CDPROJEKTRED is instead running a contest in which the winners will each get 3k in cash & a gift bag /2
in exchange, the "winners" will be requires to sell not just an exclusive license, but actual ownership of the copyright to @CDPROJEKTRED. Not just for #cyberpunk2077 #PhantomLiberty but forever and always for any purpose they see fit including advertising, other games, OST /3
Read 8 tweets
An alternate ending to Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (1/3)


#Edgerunner #CyberpunkEdgerunners
Continuation (2/3)
Last (3/3)

I cri
Read 6 tweets
The Edgerunners anime is about a teenager and I simply don't wish to see a child experience Night City. #NightCityWIRE
Edgerunners is watchable, stand alone, even if you haven't played the game. Dubs available in many languages if you struggle with subtitles. #NightCityWIRE
We as a society have moved so far past anything done in the two Blade Runner films insofar as motifs/themes go. I actually think Cyberpunk 2077 does a VERY GOOD job of bringing the cyberpunk genre out of the 1980s for once.
Read 40 tweets
This game has its flaws, but you cannot fault the ambition of it. Here’s hoping for new content to continue the journey in Night City.

#Cyberpunk2077 Image
I took the life path of the Nomad & the game really shaped around it nicely. My character developed into a jack of all but good at shooting stuff & making stuff - with a sideline in hacking. The ending I chose was apparently the “nicest” one but each one is very different
Merits of game:
Incredible canvas. Night City is immense with always something happening. Whether you be strolling along a polluted beach, or exploring the hi rises of corporate city & its parks. Or just driving in the badlands on your bike.
Read 7 tweets
Pues mira, si @AlvaroLoman dice que es una idea chachi, ¿quién soy yo para contradecirle? Se viene... EL MEGA HILO DE REFERENCIAS DEL FANHUNTER NAPIAS OF FORTUNE 👇👇👇 Image
Que si alguien a estas alturas TODAVÍA no se ha enterado de lo que es... #NapiasOfFortune es un pack de personajes (narizones) pregenerados no-oficial y gratuito para #Fanhunter el #JuegoDeRol #Épicodecadente de @chemapamundirl, @celspinol y @DevirIberia.…
Empezamos por They-Ra, superheroine no-binarie a tiempo parcial. Aurorita Puigmartí es un claro homenaje a Adora / #SheRa, protagonista del spin-off de He-Man del mismo nombre, y concretamente al reboot de Netflix del 2018 realizado por ND Stevenson (@Gingerhazing). ImageImageImageImage
Read 76 tweets
Patch 1.5 is coming soon to PC, Stadia, and consoles!

It brings various improvements to the game, numerous quest and gameplay fixes, as well as a number of free DLCs. On top of that, it contains the next-gen update PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X!
Need a TL:DR for #Cyberpunk2077 Patch 1.5/Next-Gen Update?

Here you go, chooms:
And check out the #Cyberpunk2077 performance overview on the Next-Gen consoles:
Read 3 tweets
#DigitalesVertrauen @WEFCybersec #Cyberpunk2077 (so?)

#StanislawLem-Festival 2021 #Cyber #CyberPolygon #Polygon

ICH VERTRAUE NUR MEINEM FEIND (ist bestimmt ein zitat von @bazonbrock, odr?)
@WEFCybersec @bazonbrock meine liebsten?
- die vergesse ich in der hundertstelssekunde am gedanken an meine feinde.

meine liebsten verteidige ich, in dem ich ununterbrochen an meine feinde denke: ameisen, wölfe, an die horde der reichsten der möchtegern reichsten @wef (so?)
@WEFCybersec @bazonbrock @wef MANN SEIN, meint...

die feinde seiner liebsten nützlich zu halten, bzw. unschädlich zu machen. im einfachsten falle zu töten.

und wer untötbar sein sollte. ok. der wird respektiert. aber bloss, um ihn unschädlich zu machen, bei sich nächst bietender möglichkeit. (so?)
Read 7 tweets
Completely blows my mind how much #Cyberpunk2077 content this community has generated 😍
A thread with few mindblowing #Cyberpunk2077 fan arts.

Her name is Rita and you have met her by Lizzie's:
Read 5 tweets
Transmission Start:
Transmission Titled: The Days of Darkness
#videogameawards Image
The purges have begun.

As many have been witness in the last several days, things in the "meat space" to state the phrase, have taken a turn for the worse.
The missives on the social media platforms and the actions taken on leaders of nations is not surprising. The creator of this account realizes how evil many people in the video game medium were and are.
Read 48 tweets
Today marks 1 month since #Cyberpunk2077 release 🥂

Some already beat the game, plenty are still playing, nobody yet uncovered everything we have prepared. It took years for #TheWitcher 3, so it will take quite long for this game too. I love observing this process.
No other game in my career took so much heart and dedication. Past 30 days I have been reading comments, watching videos, and learning.

I know there is always something that can be done better. And if not better, you can do more of what was received well by an audience. Always.
But I want you to know that you are being heard -- patches released so far prove it. Have in mind that not everything can be addressed instantly.

I have received thousands of messages - you are killing the battery on my phone. But I read all of it, even when it hurts.
Read 4 tweets
Bon alors, on se le fait ce thread sur mes jeux de 2021 ?
Pas de règle, pas de provenance particulière, toutes plateformes autorisées. Un Tweet = un jeu terminé en 2021, peut importe son année de distribution. Du rétro, des rattrapages de 2020 et de l'actualité. C'est tipar !
The Gardens Between de @TheVoxelAgents, court puzzle game temporel au game design d'une élégance rare. Le jeu se pare d'une poésie tristounette et d'une direction artistique splendide, donnant aux tableaux des allures de souvenirs partiels et éthérés. Une franche réussite. 1/2 Image
Le jeu est disponible de partout, pour une vingtaine d'euros. Il fait partie actuellement de la sélection Gamepass. 2/2
Read 48 tweets
Permettez-moi de rebondir sur les mésaventures de la sortie de #Cyberpunk2077 pour revenir sur une des caractéristiques fondamentales de l'écosystème vidéoludique, un couple d'idées crucial : la promesse et le désir (1)
(2) Historiquement, le jeu vidéo est lié à l'imaginaire du progrès technique porté par la révolution numérique des années 50 et 60, dont ils ont conservé cette promesse de lendemains qui chantent grâce à la technique
(3) Puis, dans les années 70 et 80, c'est l'arcade qui va perpétuer cette promesse en la liant au divertissement. Il s'agit dorénavant de vivre des expériences intenses grâce à la technique, grâce aux progrès du numérique. Image
Read 26 tweets
Realtime #Cyberpunk2077 glitch effect in eevee
It's fun to play with
fixed a few mistakes that made it not look so smooth, added some glowy bits just cause
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Да, Арасака, конечно, глубоко пустила свои корни и строит козни протагонисту даже не на уровне противника в игре, а на уровне разработки в #CDProjektRed (хотя здесь спрос в полном объеме идет с проект-менеджеров и они несут всю полноту ответственности за качество релизного билда)
Если вынести за скобки баги, то в целом игра относительно неплохая, а в плане дизайна, так вообще отлично выглядит. Проработка сцен для диалогов в рамках как основных квестов, так и второстепенных (ключевых) на высоте: везде идет работа с цветом и светом, герои меняют позы,
перемещаются по кадру. Смотреть такие сцены одно удовольствие. Сложно сказать про сюжет, его тяжело оценить объективно, т.к. разложить по фактам сценарные проколы — очень ресурсоемко и требует сильного погружения, но мне, в моем варианте концовки, не хватило какого-то катарсиса
Read 15 tweets
A raíz del reciente follón con #Cyberpunk2077 veo que hay cierta confusión sobre qué (y qué no) es lo que hace el departamento de Certificación de un first party (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo...).

Abro hilo 🧵
En primer lugar, os pongo en antecedentes: Durante 2012 trabajé varios meses como Certification Tester en Electronic Arts.

Durante ese breve periodo de tiempo pasaron por mis manos títulos como Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Need for Speed: Most Wanted y el FIFA de turno.
Es bastante habitual que las grandes desarrolladoras y los publishers tengan entre sus departamentos uno que se encargue de realizar una batería de pruebas similares a las que Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo realizan cuando envías un juego para que sea publicado en su consola.
Read 25 tweets
Olá. Começa a noite dos Oscars dos videojogos. Por causa do covid, os #TheGameAwards de 2020 são transmitidos exclusivamente online. Começa às 23:15 e podem assistir a em diferentes plataformas.

Nomeados para o melhor videojogo do ano:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Doom Eternal
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Ghost of Tsushima
The Last of Us Part 2

A noite não é só de prémios. Também teremos algumas novidades sobre os próximos videojogos que sairão no mercado. Aposto que sairá um trailer do novo God of War e data de lançamento, trailer do novo Horizon Zero Dawn com gameplay e outro trailer do próximo Final Fantasy.
Read 48 tweets
#Cyberpunk2077 Sadece 1 saat kaldı. Neye? 8 yıldır beklenen Cyberpunk2077 isimli oyuna.

Peki ben niye bu mesajı atıyorum? Oyun sektöründeyim biliyorsunuz, fakat konu o değil.

Konu derin :)
Bir üstteki mesajda gördüğünüz Keanu Reeves, evet yanlış okumuyorsunuz. Oyun sektörü, Hollywood ve müzik dünyasını toplayıp 2'ye çarpsanız bile yetişemeyeceğiniz bir büyüklükte. Doğal olarak artık mega starlar oyun sektöründe boy gösteriyor.
2020 yılında bildiğiniz gibi ülkemizden de Peak Games gibi hikayeler çıktı. 1.8 milyar dolara satılan Peak Games, nerdeyse Cumhuriyet tarihi kadar eski THY'nin değerine çok yakın bir değere 10 yılda ulaştı.

Geçenlerde Borsa İstanbul'un %10 hissesi Katarlılara satıldı.
Read 10 tweets
Welcome... to #Cyberpunk2077 on PS4 fat / XBO !
Sources :
- @Youtube Cyberpunk 2077 /Meme No Man’s Sky
- Twitch : @gautoz
"We've greatly enhanced our crowd and community system to create the most believable city in any open world to date. "
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#Cyberpunk2077 PS4 version Review In Progress Thread.

I'll update this thread with quick thoughts that won't make my @bbcthesocial review next week.
3 Hours in: 2 hard crashes, several T-poses and the level of detail in the world isn't great.

Frame rate is smoother than I expected and the lack of load screens outside of the initial one is cool.
6 Hours in: Thankfully no more crashes. Visual bugs galore, but the fun kind (floating coffee cups, enemies still talking after death).

It feels a lot like the two Deus Ex games from last gen. Enjoying it. It's very undercooked.

Read 21 tweets
J'ai presque 15h de gameplay capturé sur #Cyberpunk2077, heureusement que j'ai pour habitude de nommer mes fichiers pour m'y retrouver mais ça va être sportif le montage de la prochaine vidéo.

L'écriture en fait une fois mon sac vidé ici c'est passé tout seul ^^
Je l'ai pas dit mais l'embargo du jour était que pour les textes écrits, avec des screenshots maison mais une vidéo envoyée par cd projekt. Pour ça que les vidéos ne sont pas encore dispo côté youtubers (ou du moins avec des captures maisons et pas filtrées quoi ;) )
Promis ça va pas être juste un florilège de bugs, y'en aura bien assez même avec le patch day one qui ne va pas miraculeusement tout fix, faudra plusieurs mois.
Mais j'en ai quand même deux trois qui illustrent bien pourquoi on sent que la production du jeu a été difficile.
Read 11 tweets
WTH? My #CyberPunk2077 preorder from @WalmartCanada that I placed in June was just cancelled? Seriously?

What Happened @WalmartCAGaming? Cancelling per-orders days before the release?

#Gaming #Xbox #WalmartCanada
On the phone with them now. This seems very strange. How can they cancel an order for the biggest game release of the year? Do they not plan to sell it????
So apparently they are going to have me re-order it again, then fix up the price after the fact. Not sure what happened here.
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Allez, il est 18h et j'ai le droit de vous dire à quel point #Cyberpunk2077 est pour moi une énorme déception. On ne peut pas poster de vidéo avant qq jours mais voilà plusieurs jours que je suis désemparé face à ce jeu (que j'ai terminé ce matin, 40h environ)

un petit fil ⬇️
Déjà voilà des années qu'on avait pas eu un jeu aussi bourré de bugs, constants, en permanence, malgré les patchs et la bonne volonté c'est difficile d'en faire abstraction.

ci-dessous la nuque de mon perso, la cam ayant tendance à se retourner sans raison
Donc clairement, les mois (années ?) de crunch n'auront pas sauvé le jeu d'un lancement qui sera je pense assez difficile, a fortiori sur les consoles d'anciennes génération. J'ai pas joué mais vu comment ça tourne sur PC, je ne peux qu'imaginer.
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Hace un año viajé a Japón a cubrir #TokyoGameShow.

Hoy abrí por primera vez en meses una caja de folletos, volantes, catálogos y regalos promocionales varios. Algunos de estudios conocidos, otros más raros.

Acá va un tour por el (hasta ahora) último Tokyo Game Show presencial.
Makuhari Messe es una bestialidad. El salón principal, de 54.000 metros cuadrados, tiene ocho pabellones conectados, donde podés encontrar todos los estudios japoneses (y algunos no japoneses) que alguna vez amaste.

La guía es una SÁBANA.
Los 8 halls están divididos en tres zonas. La del medio es la más cotizada. Ahí están los estudios grandes (#Konami, #Sony, #BandaiNamco, una sección internacional, y el espacio del medio que se reparte entre empresas de telefonía celular y gaming mobile. Acá empieza el show.
Read 33 tweets

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