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Opinions on things I know nothing about
Mar 21, 2024 13 tweets 9 min read
A short thread on Googlers congratulating themselves an patting themselves on the back, a thread.

@sarah_edo Director of Eng Web iOS etc. announced that Angular is merging with Google's internal framework called wiz:

Image In the thread she made the following claims: that wiz powers Search, Workplace and Youtube and that the merge will bring impressive improvements to Angular's performance due to wiz:



Oct 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Web Components are *not* using the platform. It's easy to show. They keep changing the rules of what "the platform" means, but they are still not using it, unlike literally everyone else.

Ironic because they are in a very literal sense a part of the platform themselves

Web Components: The only tech that struggled to create form components that would be seen by the browser and sent as a part of the payload.

Had they used the platform, this would be a non-issue. So they changed the rules:

Feb 17, 2022 20 tweets 12 min read
@lil_htlr @kleschby Я не то, чтобы спец, у меня по этому поводу strong opinions :D


*Концепция* веб-компонентов такова: зачем плодить еще больше все больше новых фреймворков, которые, по сути, создают одни и те же компоненты? Можно часть необходимого функционала впилить в браузер. 1/ @lil_htlr @kleschby Тогда если кто-то создаст, например, date picker или там menu, которые все нравятся, то их можно будет использовать напрямую, не подтягивая сторонние фреймворки.

То есть ты создаешь «черную коробочку» из JS и CSS, и используешь, как хочешь, не боясь, что она поломается 2/
Nov 8, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
A story of

- a design change for the sake of a design change
- by people who couldn't care less
- by people who clearly never use the app they change

featuring @AmazonKindle @KindleHelp

Imagine, when all you have is a 27" 5K screen where you make these mockups. Who cares to look at them on an a real screen? No one.

Most changes to Kindle are done by "designers" who have never seen a world outside their infinitely zoomable mockups

Aug 7, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk about the Web, UIs and layout.

I often hear: well, it's an amazing layout system. If there's anything lacking, show me anything that works under the same constraints: having to work with multiple screen sizes and adapt to them seamlessly.

Well, a thread🧵

Let's start with this: the whole idea of "we have a web-site, and it can display itself differently in a desktop browser and in a mobile browser" is literally nothing but an extension of CSS Zen garden:

The idea is as old as CSS itself:

Sep 15, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
A small unstructured mini-thread/mini-rant on GraphQL.

I’ve now completed server prototypes for roughly the same functionality in C#, Java, Go (twice), Elixir, and nodejs.

GraphQL exemplifies everything that’s wrong in the industry :D

First, it’s supposed to bring together data from different sources, right?

All GraphQL libraries have no proper examples of that. “Let’s create an array of values and serve that”. No one ever does that in real life.

As a result in reality everything is double the code 2/
Oct 12, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
If you follow @troyhunt and @lukew you know how bad things are around passwords, password forms, and password requirements. At the same time you're thinking: "it can't be *that* bad, can it?"

Oh, boy. A thread with nine examples

1/12 My laptop was stolen. So I decided to go through ~300 accounts stored in my 1password looking for weak passwords, 10-year old passwords etc. And updating them.

I updated ~50 accounts. Too bad I was busy changing passwords and not taking screenshots. Here's what I found:

Aug 16, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Twitter has turned profitable. Algorithmic timelines, ads, likes surfacing etc. works. *For them* Don’t expect them to change that because you don’t like it 1/ Instagram is profitable. Algorithmic timelines, ads, stories, app that refreshes the entire feed when you blink etc. works. *For them* Don’t expect them to change it just because you don’t like it 2/
Jul 14, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
Вписаться что ли в драму вокруг @5ht? :)

«О боже, человека травили 10 лет, да как вы могли, сволочи». Начнем с того, что эта виктимизация непонятна никому, кто с Сохацким общался в разных коммьюнити больше одного дня 1/n Сохацкий — озлобленный на весь мир человек, непризанный никем гений, считающий себя превыше всех. С соответствующей культурой манерой общений.

В те моменты, когда предыдущее публичное поведение ему в чем-то мешало, он выпиливал свои комментарии, посты и т.п. 2/n
Oct 18, 2017 40 tweets 5 min read
This attitude is exactly what prevents webpack from owning its own mistakes. Worse, it kills any discussion around Webpack 1/n The laws of diminishing returns and all that. You solve a common problem that 80% of people face, then the next 80% etc. 2/n
Sep 15, 2017 34 tweets 3 min read
Ejecting react-create-app shows just how horribly and hoplessly complicated #Javascript infrastructure has become I mean, besides the sheer number of moving parts, a third of configuration is about fighting bugs and behaviour in another third