Doug Portman 🐛🏳️‍🌈🧬 Profile picture
U. Rochester prof studying sex diffs in #celegans neural circuits & behavior. Partner of the fab @mudblood. Food-obsessed. He/him. Lab tweets @portmanlab.
Jul 23, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
Our paper on flexibility in the cellular encoding of sexual state in C. elegans is out today! Great work from @TheScientistHan, @LeighWexler (former @portmanlab graduate students) and Hayley Wnuk (current graduate student). Here’s a synopsis. #celegans… 1/ First: this is a story about biological sex, not gender. The latter is socially and culturally influenced and is deeply tied to self-identity. Humans have this; worms don’t. 2/