David Singleton Profile picture
Chief Technology Officer @stripe. Born in Belfast, former Londoner, married to @fjsingleton. I like to make things.
Jan 11, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
At Stripe we care about being meticulous in our craft. Sometimes that means putting effort into getting the small things right. Little details compound into end to end experiences that are surprisingly great.

We shipped 100s of tiny tweaks last year. Some of my favorites 🧵 🇯🇵 All Japanese merchants on Stripe can now download invoices in A4 paper size.

The standard paper size in Japan is A4, so printing invoices was tricky for our Japanese users. So we updated our PDF generation logic from US letter to A4.
Feb 25, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Last week I spent a couple of days writing code @stripe. We think about and invest a lot in our internal developer experience. Having spent >10 yrs at Google I like to think I have a high bar. But last week's experience was substantially better than anything I've seen at scale. Examples: every engineer has their own devbox with a realistic environment provisioned by tools; we built a static typechecker for #Ruby and it has a beautifully intuitive syntax and finds real problems quickly. Try it: sorbet.run more: