Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Ruby

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Feb 25th 2023
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysOfCode #Day30

Today was a great family day-

also studied some

Looked over my #Cpp cards

2 Docker lessons
4 #CSS lessons (next #Sass)
pseudocode for binary search algorithm

closely read #Knuth's flowchart for #ArtofComputerProgramming
@wildlearnerapp's #React course has taught me more so far than at least one other online course, if not two others.
My strategy is #repeatedexposure - the more I get aquainted with a lot of the concepts, the easier I find it to engage in coding itself, its concepts, syntax, & logic --- especially since I have such a hard time getting to sit down to actually code, given my job and family life.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
Va hilo
🔺 Tal y como ya comunicamos aquí es muy posible que diferentes marcas de vacunas con diferente números de #lote estén produciendo diferentes niveles de severidad en reacciones adversas a las vacunas COVID.…
🔺 Según cuenta la Dra. Jane #Ruby, en esta entrevista con Stew #Peters, científicos de primera línea como Mike #Yeadon han estudiado la composición de diferentes lotes encontrando que varían de unos a otros.

PONGAIS (Están en los resguardos de vacunación)

🔺 Es una información VITAL que ayudará a establecer si hay o no coincidencia entre los efectos adversos reportados y los números de lote y marca de vacunas administradas

🔺 Con este formulario…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
ROADMAP para ser BACKEND Developer

¿Queréis un roadmap con RECURSOS GRATUITOS para ser un gran desarrollador BACKEND?

Os dejo 7 recursos totalmente GRATIS para aprender las BASES que cualquier desarrollador BACKEND debe conocer


#backend #code #coding #programming #coding
1️⃣Aprende las BASES DE INTERNET

Antes de empezar a programar, entiende qué es Internet, qué es el protocolo HTTP y cómo funciona un navegador

Aquí tenéis un artículo muy interesante…
2️⃣Frontend básico (HTML y CSS)

⚠️Opcional pero RECOMENDABLE⚠️

Aunque quieras ser desarrollador backend, es importante que conozcas las bases del frontend, es decir: #HTML y #CSS

Tienes el curso de @freeCodeCamp para aprender HTML, CSS y Responsive Web…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Recently, as a part of my career development, I enrolled on the course “Get to Senior” by @HexDevs. It is a fantastic resource in the #ruby community. It provides insight into the careers of some of our technology's most influential developers. Well done @HexDevs 👏
As I progress in the course, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and things I’ve learned.
We start with the one and only Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove)!
Read 14 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
#Ruby's Enumerator.produce is a really cool method! It can generate an infinite series where each item is used to calculate the next.

✨ For example the series of even numbers: Code screenshot showing how...
Interestingly though, Enumerator.produce cannot be used to generate more complex series like squares because the input from each step is the output of the previous step Code screenshot showing tha...
To generate squares, we need to decouple the input to our block from the return value. *Ideally* we could call our block like: Code screenshot showing the...
Read 8 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
Unfortunately named #Ruby methods, a thread
1. succ, Is it a succubus? Does it suck? Nope, finds an objects "successor"…
2. strftime, Is it stir fry time? Sad news, it's not. But it will format a date according to a given string format…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
I created the sixth issue of the @shortrubynews #shortruby

Read the entire issue here:

So here is what happened in #Ruby on Twitter last week
@shortrubynews @justalever @chalmagean shared some topics that a junior developer should focus on along with learning the language or framework:
Read 52 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
ROADMAP para ser BACKEND Developer

¿Queréis un roadmap con RECURSOS GRATUITOS para ser un gran desarrollador BACKEND?

Os dejo 6 recursos totalmente GRATIS para aprender las BASES que cualquier desarrollador BACKEND debe conocer


#backend #code #coding #programming #coding
1⃣ Aprende las BASES DE INTERNET

Antes de empezar a programar, entiende qué es Internet, qué es el protocolo HTTP y cómo funciona un navegador

Aquí tenéis un artículo muy interesante…
2⃣ Frontend básico (HTML y CSS)

Aunque quieras ser desarrollador backend, es importante que conozcas las bases del frontend, es decir: #HTML y #CSS

Tienes el curso de @freeCodeCamp para aprender HTML, CSS y Responsive Web:…
Read 9 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
It always takes time for new technologies to reach critical mass.

Some of the major developments in crypto are only now gaining traction, and up to this point, no project has realized the full, combined potential of these innovations.

A 🧵.

New technologies are built on the shoulders of giants!

A great example is #BTC, the first truly decentralized electronic currency, which was created from a set of components that were already available.

#Ruby uses a number of components too that together form something greater than the sum of their parts.

Putting them all together in a beautiful, elegant UX with an integrated bridge, trader-friendly charts, and LP position management dashboard.

Read 9 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Hace 20 años cuando empece a programar me inventaba mis propios proyectos para practicar y mejorar.

✨ Tú no tienes que hacer eso ✨

Te dejo 10 #sitiosweb para practicar y mejorar tus skills como programador.

❤️ ¿Me ayudas con un RT?
Empecemos con el más conocido, HackerRank.

No solo tiene ejercicios de algoritmos, sino también una sección para prepararte para una entrevista.

Además, tener un buen puntaje en HR te puede sumar puntos cuando estés buscando empleo.
Code Wars tiene "kata" que son pequeños ejercicios de código para afianzar tus conocimientos.

Soporta desde #JavaScript hasta #Ruby o #Go o #PHP, lo que quieras.

Los ejercicios comienzan fácil, pero se van poniendo más complicados.
Read 12 tweets
May 5th 2022
It's happening!

As #SKALE V2 goes live, we're also pleased to confirm that the Europa Initiative is also launching - ensuring that every SKALE #dApp will have access to compatible versions of bridged tokens.…

A big "thank you" goes out to @bootfinance, @impossiblefi, @01node, and @StakinOfficial for signing up as Europa co-founders alongside #Ruby, as well as our frens at @SkaleNetwork for their tireless work to launch V2, which is rolling out now!…

Super-quick recap.

#SKALE V2 is a massively performant, flexible ecosystem of Ethereum-compatible chains with unlimited scalability.

As an open, permissionless network, SKALE doesn't impose any token standards on its bridges.

Read 8 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
Hace 20 años cuando empece a programar me inventaba mis propios proyectos para practicar y mejorar.

✨ Tú no tienes que hacer eso ✨

Te dejo 10 #sitiosweb para practicar y mejorar tus skills como programador.

❤️ ¿Me ayudas con un RT?
Empecemos con el más conocido, HackerRank.

No solo tiene ejercicios de algoritmos, sino también una sección para prepararte para una entrevista.

Además, tener un buen puntaje en HR te puede sumar puntos cuando estés buscando empleo.
Code Wars tiene "kata" que son pequeños ejercicios de código para afianzar tus conocimientos.

Soporta desde #JavaScript hasta #Ruby o #Go o #PHP, lo que quieras.

Los ejercicios comienzan fácil, pero se van poniendo más complicados.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
@sidekiq can easily process, not just millions, but billions of background jobs, without any sweat.

- Company processing (few of many)
- Insights on how to scale
- Few handy Gem/Tools (eg. for concurrency and threshold throttling)

A thread 🧵👇

#Ruby #Rails #rubyonrails
"2.8 billion Sidekiq jobs were processed over the past month" @ConvertKit
"...we have implemented many changes that allow us to process billions of jobs that interact with our databases hosting more than 60 TB of data in more than 90 billion documents"
Read 10 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
Yay, I got a @euruko ticket for the conf in October. Totally looking forward to attend a #Ruby conference again in person *and* to finally have a really good reason to visit #Helsinki. 😎😍🤩 #EURUKO
Open question: Will there be other folks, who'd like to go swimming? In the Baltic Sea? In October? 🌊🏊‍♂️🌊
Is is even possible or will it already be frozen? (Yes, I'm a little bit ignorant of the climate there. 😳)
Wow, Google says, it would be just shy of 1500km (via Kolding, Copenhagen, Malmö, Stockholm, the Baltic Sea) by car.
German railway knows some stations in Helsinki, but won't find a connection to get there (to even from Hamburg…)
Maybe I will take a plane again… We'll see.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 6th 2022
The Ruby language is much intuitive, yesterday I've been doing a @codewars 7kyu-Kata in JavaScript, and I just did it again in Ruby, and I have decided to show everyone in here how I proceeded, starting to talk about this lovely programming language! a thread🧵

I have not practised Ruby for a while, my rank for Ruby on @codewars is 5kyu, it's fine... the lowest level is 8kyu, then, the lower is that n-kyu number, the higher is the level, after level 1kyu, there are four mastery levels: 1dan, 2dan...etc.
I'll link to the Kata at the end of this thread, inside this box (see photo), you find a method definition, this method is called: high_and_low, it takes a string of space-separated numbers, the string is called: numbers, something like: "1 2 3 4 5" (including the quotes!) Caption from
Read 16 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
Ruby gems worth checking and considering

A thread 🧵👇

#Ruby #Rails #rubyonrails
💎 scientist 💎
A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths…
💎 strong_migrations 💎
Catch unsafe migrations in development…

by @andrewkane
Read 12 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
0⃣ Clean Code Series: Variables📒🧑‍💻

It's a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in #php #ruby #javascript #python #java, etc. - Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book "Clean Code"


Thread (9)🧵👇 Image
1⃣ Clean Code Series: Variables📒 🧑‍💻

☑️ Use meaningful and pronounceable variable names Image
2⃣ Clean Code Series: Variables📒 🧑‍💻

☑️ Use the same vocabulary for the same type of variable Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
🚆I see the #webassembly train quickly gaining momentum. Here is a summary of all the action in this space over the last week. Exciting times! 🧵
Read 6 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
100 things I learned as a blogger and online course maker by reading 100 things @viebel learned from writing his book. (Thread)…
#blogging #BloggingTips
"Writing a technical book is much harder than writing blog posts."

Definitely agree. A much larger part of content needs to be extremely coherent and well-linked.
"Writing a blog post is like running a sprint while writing a book is like running a marathon."
@viebel true, but I think you should compare writing a book to writing a successful blog. This also feels like a marathon. We don't compare a class to a startup.
Read 126 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Using Internet archives in #OSINT and #SOCMINT

Services, tools, tricks.

Thread 🧵🧵⤵️⤵️
When searching for an old version of any site or page is not to limit to one, but to try different archives. Here is a link checker for all (26+search engines) archives I know at once:…
Internet-archives #osint thread🧵⤵️⤴️
To see a list of all pages of a particular site stored in the archive, put an asterisk at the end of its URL (view pic).
This trick works for, Troove, and many other archives.

Internet-archives #osint thread🧵⤵️⤴️
Read 17 tweets
Oct 22nd 2021
início de um sonho // deu tudo certo #rails #ruby

estamos pra escrever um blogpost sobre, não só ao update em si, mas como um processo de melhoria contínua permite que esses tipos de updates possam ser feitos sem muitas dores numa codebase *enorme* + ImageImage
quem esteve a frente disso foi a @anakbns, q fez um ótimo trabalho levantando o impacto que teria na codebase.

iniciou-se um trabalho em etapas, onde a primeira era resolver deprecation warnings. isto feito, facilitou mto o upgrade meses depois, onde fizemos poucas alterações +
um fator que facilitou tbm é que já estávamos na versão 5, então fizemos bump para o último minor +
Read 9 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
Sigue estos pasos para ganarte $100 dólares en 1hora o menos siendo #junior #Dev #backend #AutomationAnywhere

#DevCommunity #programador #python #ruby
Pre-requisito (1vez)
1- Aprende lo básico de #python o cualquier lenguaje de #scripting
2- Crea un script (pequeño programa) que lea datos de varios archivos de excel (ej. enero, febrero, marzo)

3. Ofrece tu script por $100 dólares a contadores, y pequeños negocios, enfocándote en la cantidad de horas que vas a ahorrarles Ej. 20 horas cada mes
Read 9 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
A petición de @ramloarc vamos a empezar a compartir más contenido #backend

Empezando con lo que trabajo en GitLab.

¿Cómo aprendí #rails #ruby ?

La vieja confiable documentación.

Pásenle que hay mucho trabajo remoto…
@ramloarc Si de verdad quieren entender el funcionamiento del MVC de Rails,

hagan una prueba creando una mountable app, que en #rails serian #railsengines

@ramloarc Hace 3 años, hice una prueba técnica básica,

Crear una API con #ruby #Rails y luego mostrar esos datos en un grafico de lineas.

Por acá pueden echarle un ojito

Read 11 tweets
Jul 11th 2021
An interesting summary of an interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of #Ruby programming language about ‘What’s a Perfect Programming Language ‘

🧵 A Thread for 🧵

#CodeNewbies #100DaysOfCode
(Yukihiro Matsumoto):

Language designers want to design the perfect language. They want to be able to say, "My language is perfect. It can do everything."

But it's just plain impossible to design a perfect language, Why ?
Because, there are two ways to look at a language.

One way is by looking at what can be done with that language.

The other is by looking at how we feel using that language—how we feel while programming.
Read 10 tweets

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