Dr. Anvith Manjunath Profile picture
Physician, Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute - Writer - Researcher - I write medical advice backed by Data & Evidence - ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ - Bengalurian
Feb 4, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Doctors have the highest rate of Mental health problems than any other Profession.

What's wrong with Doctors ? Why is this so ?

Let's analyse the causes and the possible solutions (A Thread)

(1/n) #medtwitter #indianmedtwitter *it's loss of control
Jan 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Importance of learning Probability for Doctors

This simple yet elegant mathematical theorem will help us with the problem of Over diagnosing and Over treating the Patients.

Here is an example, which seems counter-intuitive...

FALSE POSITIVE PARADOX (1/5) Even a highly accurate test is useless if the disease is rare.

If 10 people among 2 Crore have disease & test identifies with 99% accuracy then here is a shocking fact...

99.995% of +ves will be FALSE !
