Dr. Anna Wolak Profile picture
Family Physician. Wife & mom. Broadway fan. Filipino-Canadian. Tweets are not medical advice and do not represent the organizations I am affiliated with.
Jan 26, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
The "omicron is mild" narrative is so pervasive, I'm now hearing stories of parents of kids who are covid+ deliberately not isolating siblings from them, in the hopes that they get infected so they'll be "done w/ it." Sort of like a chicken pox party.

This is NOT a good idea. 1/ In most people, chicken pox was just an annoying rash.
But in some people, chicken pox can lead to more serious illnesses, like encephalitis (brain swelling) or pneumonia, even death.
The first death I ever saw in med school was a 20 year old from chicken pox encephalitis. 2/
Jan 24, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Booked our kids' (5-11) 2nd dose. Their 8 weeks was up today. Didn't receive an invite, but when I called, was told they were valid and booked us in. If #bcpoli wants to increase kiddie vaccination uptake, they need to make booking these doses a lot easier.
1/ Needing to wait for an invite, when we know there is no shortage is a hurdle that working parents who need to plan out their schedules sometimes weeks in advance do not need. If we need to wait 8 wks, the system flags it. Let us book the correct date, but in advance. #bcpoli 2/