David W. Peters Profile picture
barracks episcopalian
Jan 17 10 tweets 2 min read
Patrick’s confession is really intriguing to me. It is authentic, from his own hand.

“Another time, I saw in me one who was praying. It was as if I were inside my body, and I heard above me, that is, above my inner self. He prayed strongly, with sighs. I was amazed and astonished, and pondered who it was who prayed in me; but at the end of the prayer, it was clear that it was the Spirit.”

Has anyone experienced it this way?
Jun 15, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
If you were an Anglican bishop in the mid 1600s and a woman wrote to you for advice about her lesbian affairs, what would you say?

Well, this happened to Jeremy Taylor. Katharine Phillips (17) had married her husband, James Phillips (54) after a successful campaign as a staff officer for Oliver Cromwell. Years later she, a Presbyterian from birth, writes to Anglican Jeremy Taylor about “how far a dear and perfect friendship [with women]
May 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I’ve been meditating on the st Augustine gospel book used in the #Coronation , the UKs oldest Humanmade object not found with archeology It was carried by around 40 church planting monks from Rome. Space was limited but they brought it because it was the essential item for their work.