David Wood - h/acc, u/pol, d/age Profile picture
Chair, London Futurists. Executive Director of LEV Foundation. Author or Lead Editor of 12 books about the future. PDA/smartphone pioneer. Symbian co-founder
Feb 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19" by Alina Chan and Matt Ridley was a book that changed my mind. It marshals lots of evidence that significantly raises the probability that the global pandemic resulted from a laboratory incident (1/6) goodreads.com/book/show/5864… The book highlights many heroic, admirable actions, of Internet sleuths and self-taught researchers around the world, who uncovered evidence which cast new light on the background to the outbreak of the pandemic (2/6)
Jun 14, 2021 130 tweets 97 min read
Whilst waiting for the #CogX2021 sessions to start streaming, why not quickly check out the open preview of my forthcoming new book, which places the future of AI as central to the future of humanity. "Vital Foresight" dw2blog.com/2021/05/26/a-p… CEO of @RollsRoyce, Warren East, looks forward to the company "smashing" the air speed record for an electrically powered craft. As part of exploring possibilities for greener air travel #CogX2021
Sep 18, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Live now: "AI, Data & Ethics with Prof. Joanna Bryson" @j2bryson "Joanna will join us at this edition of the London Ethics Meetup to share her insights on AI, Data & Ethics in 2020" meetup.com/Tech-Ethics-Lo… Good definitions from @j2bryson at the start of her talk on "AI, Data & Ethics" Image
Sep 17, 2020 16 tweets 11 min read
I'm watching the live stream from #OneSharedWorld #RiseOrFallTogether, "The OneShared World Interdependence Summit 2020". Lots of speakers, artists, and activists are lined up "The world today faces a wake-up call. The question is: will we wake up?" Opening provocation at #OneSharedWorld by @JamieMetzl
Sep 4, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Starting in just under 2 hours, at 12.00 UK time: the 1st of the 9 sessions of #WeNeedAChange: "Accelerating a new Kind of Thinking & Science for a Sustainable Future". I'll be offering six theses about the kind of change needed. Video will be streamed at leanbase.de/streamaroundth… The #WeNeedAChange sessions will also be streamed live at youtube.com/channel/UCLzeg…
Sep 2, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
The #CogXtra panel "What's Needed Now" has just started streaming: "In considering how we rebuild, ideas once-considered radical have been up for discussion. But how radical do we need to go? Can we rebuild along the same lines as before?" cogx.co/event/what-is-… Image "As the storms of the global pandemic continue to buffet businesses and individuals, we are all in need of a double dose of resilience. If only there were a precise recipe for it, we would all be racing towards a brighter future." This can be viewed on
Sep 1, 2020 42 tweets 22 min read
Day One of #ARDD2020, "Aging Research & Drug Discovery", is just starting live-streaming. Speakers today include Kai-Fu Lee, Brian Kennedy, João Pedro de Magalhães, Carolina Reis, Nir Barzilai, Aubrey de Grey, Polina Mamoshina, and Steve Horvath agingpharma.org The #ARDD2020 conference is using a dedicated Slack channel for discussion among attendees, including questions for speakers. It's an interesting experiment
Aug 31, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
The root problem with surveillance capitalism, argues Cory @doctorow in a compelling book-length article, is neither surveillance, nor capitalism, nor technology. It's monopoly, and society's misguided unwillingness to challenge monopoly power onezero.medium.com/how-to-destroy… Among many other important points in this article is the insight that a big reason that threadbare conspiracy theories are on the rise, is because many people have been victims of actual conspiracies, also known as corruption, and that has increased their distrust of authority Image
Jun 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm greatly enjoying the accounts of real-world innovation in "How Innovation Works" by @mattwridley. The analysis of factors that variously promote or hinder innovation is full of insight. I'm learning a lot as I proceed through the book goodreads.com/book/show/4544… I don't always agree with the political conclusions that Ridley draws from his examples, but it's refreshing to hear these viewpoints, expressed engagingly and thoughtfully
Jun 25, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
"Which is the best education system in the world?" This analysis is useful background to the #TortoiseEducationSummit session on that topic at 9am BST today members.tortoisemedia.com/2020/06/22/edu… For more info about today's #TortoiseEducationSummit see torto.se/joinhere
Jun 16, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
The latest @LondonFuturists newsletter:
1) Futurism in a time of growing fear
2) Six priorities for the rest of this year
3) Politics for greater liberty: transhumanist perspectives
4) Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
(...continued) (continued)
5) Humankind: a Radical New History of Our Species
6) Ending Age-Related Diseases
7) Dawn of the Transhuman Era, with Prof Steve Fuller
8) H+ Summit
9) Fast Future webinar on Government and Economy
Jun 3, 2020 14 tweets 10 min read
"Humankind - Uncover a radical new perspective on human nature that prioritises generosity, cooperation and trust" @LukeRobertMason interviewing author Rutger Bregman on #FUTURESPodcast. Streaming live in 5 minutes, from the top of the hour I've been listening to the audiobook of "Humankind" over the last few days. It's audacious, provocative, and challenges lots of received wisdom about human nature. And it's inspiring. It's likely to be mentioned countless times in the months and years ahead #FUTURESPodcast
Jun 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Somehow I got blocked from attending the #Zoom webinar where I was supposed to be presenting these slides. Probably an unintended consequence of Zoom tightening their security, to guard against malicious participants (1/n) I had joined the webinar as a panellist a bit early (when a previous session was still running), and got removed by the host. After that, nothing that either the host or I did would let me back in (2/n)
May 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
As research around the world proceeds to improve the power, the scope, and the generality of AI systems, should developers adopt regulatory frameworks to help steer progress? Today at 4pm BST, with @j2bryson, @danfaggella, and @NellWatson meetup.com/London-Futuris… The questions tabled for consideration: Image
May 27, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Can the nation state be the crucial building block for progress in the face of global-scale challenges such as climate change and pandemics? Prof Anatol Lieven of Georgetown University, Qatar will make that "realist" case at #RSALieven tomorrow (1pm BST) eventbrite.ie/e/anatol-lieve… This event, "Bridges to the future: National responses to global challenges", #RSALieven will start streaming in three minutes at
May 21, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
Just started broadcasting: @AdairTurnerUK in discussion with @RSAMatthew "Economic Policy for a Post-Crisis World" #RSAturner #RSAturner Adair Turner says that his intellectual heroes are Karl Popper and John Maynard Keynes, who led him to deeply appreciate the merits of a mixed economy, and the importance of approaching questions of economy policies on the basis of facts rather than ideology Image
May 15, 2020 36 tweets 17 min read
Today's @tortoise #TortoiseAISummit "AI in the Age of Pandemic" is about to begin. Six hours of sessions that all look highly relevant members.tortoisemedia.com/thinkin/the-to… It includes this session from 15:00-15:45 BST: "Sovereignty & surveillance: In conversation with Shoshana Zuboff" #TortoiseAISummit members.tortoisemedia.com/thinkin/sovere…
May 5, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
"The case for a coordinated response to the crisis, maximising innovation & connectivity, targeting investment, and implementing policy measures to create lasting change" - rather than piecemeal hands-off governance - @MazzucatoM #RSAMazzucato Thu 1pm BST eventbrite.ie/e/mariana-mazz… This #RSAMazzucato broadcast on New Economic Approaches has just started
May 1, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Far too many of the speakers at #Longevity2020 seem to think that jamming 30 minutes of slides into 10 minutes provides an engaging audience experience. They need to enhance their presentation skills. And avoid repeating what many previous speakers have already said In contrast, Reason has some excellent advice for would-be self-experimenters - well-paced, and clearly presented #Longevity2020 Image
Apr 27, 2020 30 tweets 16 min read
#Longevity2020 has just started its live broadcast. Day One is "Defining biological aging" longevity2020.com/defining-biolo… Image #Longevity2020 Now moving on to a presentation by Professor George Church from Harvard Image
Apr 23, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
"In complex environments, an over-reliance on ‘efficiency’ is a hazard, not a help. It’s by cultivating and harnessing human skills – creativity, empathy, curiosity – that we’re best prepared to meet unexpected challenges" #RSAheffernan streaming today 1pm A neat snippet from the live text #RSAheffernan chat:
Q: ​"So Margaret, you're not a fan of superforecaster Dominic Cummings?"
Margaret Heffernan: "​super-forecasters (which is not Cummings's phrase but Tetlock's) are open minded, not ideologues"