Demanding Liz šŸ§” Profile picture
mom to 2 girls, lawyer by choice, activist by necessity. @momsdemand TX Chapter Lead. CASA. šŸ keeper. 4th Gen Texan & staying in the fight.
Jun 25, 2020 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
If your leadership had been worth a single goddamn, @GovAbbott, you wouldnā€™t need to bankrupt our hospitals to save lives! Suspending elective surgeries without closing bars and restaurants!?! Iā€™m LIVID.ā€¦ Elective surgeries are the only moneymakers. Take them away, and hospitals operate in the red. #Texas medical professionals have already lost their jobs or had their pay cut. Why not allow elective surgeries that donā€™t require an overnight stay? This will be devastating.