Eric Jackson, Radicalized Bureaucrat Profile picture
Office of Data & Performance @cityofasheville. Reading and writing at Married to @kathylamotte. He/him. #BlackLivesMatter
May 4, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
23. A New Way: Embracing the Paradox As We Lead and Serve. Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd). #my2019reading 1/5 This is a very personal exploration of what it means to lead & what our country and communities need in leaders. At its heart is Dowd's conviction that leadership requires an ability to live with paradox, to resist the temptation to resolve all in one direction or the other. 2/5
Jul 6, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
18. The Efficiency Paradox: What Big Data Can't Do. Edward Tenner (@edward_tenner). #my2018reading #books 1/9 The book is an exploration of technology-enabled efficiency and the many ways that seeking short-term efficiency undermines innovation and, in the long run, efficiency itself. 2/9