Elena Llaudet Profile picture
Political Scientist | Associate Professor @Suffolk_U | Harvard PhD | Co-author of Data Analysis for Social Science (with Kosuke Imai @Harvard): https://t.co/I4E4Mkn56p
Aug 22 7 tweets 5 min read
Teaching stats and R using our textbook for complete beginners, Data Analysis for Social Science ()? #rstats

Here are some instructor RESOURCES for you: bit.ly/dss_book
Image #1. My syllabus and lecture slides.

Preview them:
Request them: bit.ly/teaching_dss

Nov 29, 2022 19 tweets 18 min read
My textbook with Kosuke Imai (@Harvard) is finally out!

Assuming no prior knowledge of statistics or coding and only minimal knowledge of math, DSS teaches the fundamentals of survey research, predictive models, and causal inference + how to analyze real-world data with R.

🧵.. Image 1/n: DSS is meant for complete beginners, regardless of whether they are in high school, in graduate school, or out of school altogether. #rstats #surveys #prediction #causality

Want to see for yourself? The first chapter is free here: bit.ly/dss_preview

Book outline: Image
Oct 20, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read

That is the question (answered in this tweet).

Both are introductory books to quantitative methods in the social sciences written by Kosuke Imai @Harvard (alone or with co-authors).

Which one is a better fit for you or for your class?

A quick 🧵... Image DSS is meant for complete beginners. It assumes no prior knowledge of statistics or cording and only a minimal background in math.

QSS is meant for students with already some background in statistics and coding.