Emilien Ravigné Profile picture
Post-doc at Oxford (@INETOxford & @TheSmithSchool) in environmental policies, productivity, and inequalities. PhD from @cired8568 and @centralesupelec, Paris.
Aug 13, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
La réalité est plus complexe mais globalement c'est bien ce que dit la science:
1. Top 10% mondial => 50% GHG
2. Taxer les émissions des plus riches => taxe progressive & juste
Cf travaux Chancel, Oswald, Buchs et Steinberger (🧵) 1/13 Evacuer le débat en se concentrant sur les milliardaires et les yachts/jets tient au mieux de la paresse intellectuelle, au pire d'un discours d'inaction. 2/13
Mar 31, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
🚨 New Paper! 🚨 I'm so excited that the 1st paper of my PhD is out in Ecological Economics 🥳

Here's a 🧵 on the distributive impacts of a full policy package including carbon taxes and subsidies for EV and thermal renovation 1/14 Lots of papers studying distributive impacts of env. policies conclude to some form of inequalities - regressivity and urban/rural gap - and call for "energy efficiency policy to reduce distributive impacts for the vulnerable households" => that's what we study! 2/14