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RT are just RT. Cautiously skeptical.
2 subscribers
Apr 11, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I’m going to share some examples of patient entitlement. I know it will be followed by “but we pay taxes, ya da ya da..” “you’re so mean, you should find a new job” 🙄In a publicly funded system that is “for everyone” including people here illegally now, I argue it is your responsibility to use healthcare in an appropriate manner as well. The entitlement I see these days is off the charts. People have zero clue of the costs of the system. Patient has episode of dizziness that resolved. Has appointment with family MD same day. Comes to ER a few hours before appointment just to make sure everything is ok.
Jun 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Here’s my observations of most Canadian patients. Entitled. Will come to ER at all hours for any problem and then instead of thanking the people helping them, will complain behind your back to your manager. Like it or not, Canada is a nation of Karens. There has never been any suggestion of having people take responsibility for their own health or actions. Instead, they just keep using and abusing the system. Before you go all Karen on me, I’m not talking about serious health issues.
Nov 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Just like the rampant covidianism that shut down the world for longer than it should’ve been, the social justice warriors are now out for justice for unionized workers. They threaten children’s education until they get their way. We see what happened with Covid policies - People died because they couldn’t access healthcare. Children suffered immense learning loss. People lost their businesses and livelihoods. The social fabric was irreparably broken.
Aug 9, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Let’s talk about the elder abuse that is going on in Ontario right now, three years after the pandemic started. Did you know that elderly folks in a retirement home or nursing home are quarantined and isolated every time public health declares an outbreak? Did you know that they are quarantined and isolated every time they return from an admission to hospital? They are literally prisoners in their rooms. They are denied social contact, their families can’t visit and they are passed their food on trays through their doors.
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, an Ontario government bureaucrat acknowledged the risk of myocarditis from the Covid vaccines and proceeded to tell the general population to speak with their doctor about risk vs. benefit in their particular situation. To some, this is a step forward. But to every single child excluded from their sport or camp or music class or recital, it is a slap in the face. And to those who paid the ultimate price with their life or health, it is a stunning admission of wrongdoing.
Jun 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Every ER in Ontario is literally bursting at the seams. It’s not because of Covid. It is a catastrophic failure of the publicly funded healthcare system over the past 2-3 decades. This has now reached a breaking point in the last two years of shutdowns and deferral of care. We have a staffing crisis in all areas of healthcare. The environment is toxic. Many feel overworked and under appreciated. Sometimes the work is physically dangerous. It is certainly emotionally and mentally draining. Admin offers little support and no solutions.
May 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I see many politicians making empty promises yet again for their election bid. Instead of blindly throwing money to the loudest groups, how about coming to work with me one day in the dumpster fire we call an Ontario public hospital? At the entrance, you’ll meet the useless screeners dressed in plastic disposable PPE that are filling our lakes and oceans. There, they will ask you to reveal private medical information and your answer will determine if you can go visit with your dying loved one.
Apr 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When the pandemic was first announced and we were seeing videos of people dying in the streets in China, I assumed that I had a high likelihood of dying or becoming seriously ill from the virus. Our medical associations were telling us to update our wills. In reality, in two years, I have intubated zero patients in a suburban ER. I had a few patients who were very sick, one ended up ventilated in the ICU, with a history of organ transplant. I know a few patients were shipped to our hospital in the delta wave.
Apr 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Ontario is still partaking in Covid madness. In fact, it’s getting worse instead of better. I have heard of two separate cases this week where a family has isolated their child in a room, away from everyone else in the house, because of a positive RAT. One symptomatic, one not. This child abuse is the direct result of @fordnation and Kieran Moore pandering to the Covid Zero crowd. It is also directly the fault of the fear mongering dishonest media that only interviews Branch Covidians. No masks, no tests, no isolation. End it all or it never ends.
Apr 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I had an awful flu like illness in December 2019, after seeing a patient with bilateral patchy pneumonia that had travelled from abroad. It ripped through my whole family. Kids were over it in a day or two but the adults were sick for weeks. I definitely had post viral fatigue, cough and general weakness. I guess it could’ve been Covid. I wish I had know so I could virtue signal about my Long Covid and make everyone else feel guilty for living their lives 😂
Apr 11, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Why do doctors tend towards authoritarianism? I think the main reason is that medical culture is a rigid heirarchy. We don’t tend to question our superiors. As med students and residents, we often do what we are told without knowing why. We follow orders. It’s uncomfortable & intimidating to question superiors. We have often sacrificed and competed fiercely to get into medical school. We don’t want to jeopardize our future job prospects. We are extreme rule followers and we are afraid of being judged for being wrong.
Apr 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m trying to remember the last time I saw a super sick Covid patient. It must have been a year ago. A transplant patient, fully vaxxed, but still survived an ICU stay. Fast forward to today - I’m still seeing sick patients but none of them are sick from Covid. They’re sick from years of neglect and delayed medical care. They’re more complex. They’re medical issues have multiplied and they’ve been hanging on until they present to ER not being able to go on anymore. I’ve seen missed diagnoses, patients falling through the cracks…
Feb 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Emergency medicine sure has changed in Ontario. I see about half the number of patients I used to on a shift, even tho volumes are way up. I feel like I’m constantly putting out fires. Patients are falling through the cracks. Primary care has switched to mainly virtual. Many family drs have reduced hours. There are backlogs for specialists that go on months to years. A lot of people don’t have the patience to wait on hold to try to get an appointment for weeks from now. So they pile into ER. I know many family drs are still doing a great job.
Feb 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I lost a childhood friend today over vaccine mandates. I know many of you have lost jobs, friends and family as well. Even as a frontline healthcare worker, I could not convince my former friend of the harms of mandates and lockdowns. Even as I explained what I saw every day. Last January, there were seven hangings in my ER alone. I’ve had to turn away family members who wanted to be with their loved ones bc of visitor restrictions put in place by admin. I’ve had to hear a homeless shelter say they couldn’t take a patient bc they were unvaccinated.
Jan 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
As the covid narrative begins to crumble around the world and governments look to an exit, we must remember the social and moral disasters that many of them created. This resulted in massive harm to many, societal divide and the near destruction of the social fabric we hold dear. 1. All illnesses besides Covid-19 were shoved to the side, resulting in many thousands of delayed diagnoses, surgeries, and worsening of disease. Phone/video appointments and the fear that hospitals were overwhelmed led to many staying away when sick, mentally&physically.
Jan 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“I just want to punish them”
“They SHOULD lose their jobs”
“They shouldn’t get an ICU bed”
“They should have to pay for healthcare”
“I don’t want to work with them”
“Why wouldn’t they just get it?”

These are just some things I’ve heard my colleagues say about “unvaxxed” Now replaced “unvaxxed” with any other minority.

It’s despicable, isn’t it?

Well, some of you need to look in the mirror because this is not what it means to be Canadian.
Oct 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
While many stayed home working from behind computer screens, frontline healthcare workers were in the thick of it, suctioning airways, intubating, performing CPR. We got up day after day and cared for you in the face of an unknown threat. It was ok to sacrifice us in 2020. It was ok for hospital admin to tell us that we had such limited supplies of PPE in March 2020, that we would have to save and reuse N95s and gowns. It was ok for many of us to be redeployed in unfamiliar areas. It was ok for us to work overtime and isolate from our families.
Jun 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I want to start off by saying that I am pro-vaxx. However, in the last few weeks, I have seen some serious side effects from the vaxx. Bilateral pulmonary embolism in pregnant female, new deep vein thrombosis in arm, new neurological condition, myelitis, in younger patient 1/ I don’t think the vaxx is as benign as we want it to be. There are certainly concerns&risk factors that need to be taken into account. It’s not reasonable to use a blanket approach. think a true discussion of risk and benefit needs to happen and we’re not really seeing that 2/
Apr 19, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Text from my 10 yr old child this morning:

I hate this
I hate my life
I hate it

This is your legacy @fordnation @Sflecce @celliottability @ETFOeducators

You’ve irreparably destroyed a generation.

#onted #etfo #FireOST To those saying blame @JustinTrudeau - believe me I do. But he’s not the CONSERVATIVE leader of ON closing the damn schools. @fordnation had a choice. This issue is on him. And I’m a single issue voter right now when it comes to my kids. I hate Trudeau but this is on him.