Evolutionary biologist by training, a rogue & a villain by nature; -ssRNA virus geek, matplotlib wizard, Lithuanian. Social media manager @Virus_Evolution.
Oct 1, 2021 • 15 tweets • 10 min read
I'm super proud to share #Lithuania's #SARSCoV2 genomic surveillance programme's 1st paper, published today in @NatureComms. It's about a worrisome lineage called B.1.620 discovered in 🇱🇹, across Europe & traced to central Africa. Here's a 🧵about it nature.com/articles/s4146… 1/15
In April 2021 when Delta wasn't a "thing" yet & B.1.1.7/Alpha was in decline thanks to vaccines we suddenly discovered a diverged #SARSCoV2 lineage with many VOC-like mutations which had no sampled relatives & which was suddenly appearing across Europe. We were very alarmed. 2/15
May 10, 2021 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Myself, @GuyBaele & an impressive international cast just got a manuscript up on @medrxivpreprint (medrxiv.org/content/10.110…) about #SARSCoV2 lineage B.1.620 I've tweeted about before. Our findings are a bit alarming & have important implications, so here's a 🧵 1/12
Everything started with a batch of genomes we got back from Lithuanian #SARSCoV2 genomic surveillance on week of Apr 5. We somehow had "B.1.177.57s" with E484K in there. We're not surprised by E484Ks anymore because a small B.1.351 transmission chain crops up occasionally. 2/12