Farhana Shaikh Profile picture
📚 Publisher ✍ Editor 👩‍🏫 #HE 💃 Project lead ⚔ Reads, writes, eats. Views my own etc...
Nov 19, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
✍📚 After reading 230+ short stories (up to 4k) as a first reader for a national UK comp here's what I learnt about what seems to work and what doesn't in #shortstory writing (just some thoughts not set rules): 1. First words, first lines, first paragraphs matter. I'm not convinced there is time for much scene setting. I love nature but pepper in details to evoke a sense of place rather than start off with a chunk of description. Cut your fanciful beginnings!
Jul 4, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I've spent the weekend reading hundreds of #shortstories. This a quick thread on what I spotted and what *I* think stories that go through to the next round do well. Hugely subjective, of course but... 1. Know their purpose
Stories with a clear purpose from the outset really shine through from those which are well-written (around 99%). These pieces are stories, rather than extracts, outlines, descriptions or something else.
So first ask yourself is this a story?