The Last Part :"Zainab, the Eternal Revolutionist"
The role of Lady Zainab after the battle of Karbala was complementary to Imam Hussain's revolution . She showed maximum pride, loftiness and rightness in the face of tyrants and arrogants.
Our path must be "Zainabi" in the face of America, Zionism, and every oppressive colonial power.
In any political, military or economic war, we must imitate this great personality, with patience, steadfastness and determination.
Imam Zain al-‘Abedin (a.s) said to his aunt Sayyida Zainab(a.s): "You are by the grace of God a scholar unschooled by anyone and a sage by connation".
The realities and finer points of God-given intelligence and knowledge 1/5
that Sayyida Zainab (a.s) demonstrated is not easy to grasp by even the most erudite scholars. Her clarity of language and choice of words to expound the mission of her brother in the court of the tyrant Yazid is rather unique.
To be a visionary, you should think beyond the here and now and be a forward thinker. The preservation of the Imamate was paramount to the survival of the religion of #Islam. 1/4
Sayyida Zainab (a.s) knew that she had to protect her nephew, #ImamZaynAlAbidin (p) and did so as best she could. She remained steadfast, protected him physically when necessary, and publicly spoke out when the truth was distorted and covered.
Sayyida Zainab’s speech in Kufa represents the first statement and comment issued by Ahl al-Bayt (a.s) on the #Karbala incident. Her speech is also considered the first round of her battle against crime and Umayyad oppression. 1/7
In #Kufa, when captives were brought to Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, he decided to express his joy of victory in front of Sayyida #Zainab (a.s). He rudely said to her: “Praise be to Allah who disgraced you, and revealed your sayings as false.”
Aug 25, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Part 1: "The Political Aspect of Mourning"
Lady #Zainab (a.s) was the first to mourn Imam #Hussien (a.s). It is important to highlight the political role of mourning, and that mourning ceremonies can play the role of a religious and worldly conference.
This #political nature was proportional to the circumstances and their fluctuations according to the first stage, and given the nature of that foundational stage.