Francesc C. Conesa Profile picture
1️⃣ Cultural landscapes, past soilscapes & endangered heritage 🛰️ 2️⃣ RyC fellow & computational archaeologist @IPNA_CSIC 3️⃣ Rsch.Aff. @AMBI_Lab; @GIAP_ICAC
May 11, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
A whole pandemic later we're back in India to get things ready for the Kachchh Archaeological Project, with the support of @FundacionPalarq 💫

Here's what we are up to! ⬇️ Image Hello from the Dept of Archaeology, University of #Kerala in Thiruvananthapuram 👋

We're working here with Profs Rajesh SV and Abhayan GS, directors of the excavations at the awesome burial site of Juna Khatiya in Kachchh, Gujarat Image