steamboat a milli Profile picture
has written for @polygon. writes music. writes about music. writing book about Eminem. dump research (she/her)
Nov 20, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
The successive events of coffeegate and chiligate have proven to me that there's a subculture on this website of mostly privileged "disability activists" (no relationship to actual disability activism) whose main approach is a sort of radical misery About ten years ago this was on Tumblr, but it wasn't the disability activists doing it, it was the depression people who were anti-recovery ("depression is who I am and trying to treat it is genocidal") and anti-mitigation ("it's hard to make myself wash, therefore I shouldn't")
Nov 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Out of all the songs on Eminem's album Encore to go viral on a comedy lip-synching app, I would not have put money on Mockingbird "There's a song on there where he clucks like a chicken"
"And a drawn-out 'fellas is it gay' joke over a fascinating beat"
"Two dancepop songs about Hollywood pervert conspiracies"
"Which one goes viral?"
"Oh the sappy love song about his daughter with no jokes"
Nov 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
THE WORLD'S MOST TIRESOME OLD PEOPLE: Ha ha imagine listening to "new" music when you have the stuff I liked when I was 12 to rehearse forever

THE REST OF US: *finally released from the tyranny of the truck driver's gear change* The "shifting up a semitone" thing has never been good songwriting, it's almost always lazy and exploitative, and when it's not it's a gimmick (Dizzy, Love On Top)
Nov 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Will always find it weird that the only things the 80s/90s animal rights boom was able to get the general public to condemn were fur and animal testing - both obv have serious ethical and environmental concerns, but aren't the most unjustifiable things we do to animals There's a horrific legacy of cruelty and colonialism linked to fur, but it's also a material that has properties we can't replicate (some of which are literally lifesaving), and the alternatives are made of plastic. And we all know how useful it is to have, like, medicine
Nov 18, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Twitter's dying, it's time for some real content.

So I came in to to living room to find Dad watching Only Fools and Horses with the sound off and pausing it at random frames.

"I was trying to work out what records he's selling in his stall."

So we worked them out together Image The white vinyl on the top is Flash Fearless Vs The Zorg Women Parts 5 & 6, a peculiar rock concept album in which various stars (most notably, Alice Cooper) created a soundtrack for a fictional comic book (which was included with the album) ImageImage
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
While I get this tweet's point, it misses the point that fascists are extremely efficient at doing what fascists do, e.g. personal enrichment, killing critics of them, genocide. Fascists are incredibly inefficient at things normal people value, like stably running governments Fascism, as an ideology, is inherently inefficient. Fascists are always clowns. But if you don't have to listen to the law, your advisors, your people, your brain and morals (you don't have them), the boundaries of sanity, you can be very efficient at looting and murder
Jan 15, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
On "mentrification" Was just thinking the other day that Final Fantasy was THE most prestigious game franchise in late 90s before suddenly becoming uncool in the mid-00s - not because of the quality problems but because it was the first wave of online, and gamers suddenly realised girls liked them
Jan 14, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Fascinated by this AI generated version of Space Oddity - particularly the way it interprets the countdown all of these end up sounding like the singer is slowly melting throughout the track
Jan 14, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Superb rabbit-hole about the QAnonShaman's stupid beliefs that also touches, incidentally, on how fandom kinning is used to recruit and how the far right operates like a fandom. The Shaman tells his followers that Captain America comics are real and that HE is Captain America This is part of why my ability to shut up and let people have their fun stops at the point where people are saying they literally are incarnations of the characters in real life. It's not to do with you being neurodivergent, it's to do with manipulating you with what you love
Jan 13, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Because depression-brain is the sneakiest, most treacherous little dick imaginable, depression will use the voice of whatever you think is cool and good to talk to you. If your depression wants you to feel helpless but you're a seasoned privilege checker it will use socjus logic It will hijack your entire political and social framework and parasitise that to make you feel awful. It will make you guilty for being sad when you don't have "real" problems like oppression, or because your marginalisation means your sadness will last helplessly forever
Dec 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
a lot of people are DMming me their horror stories of ringleader-led fake-social-justice harassment and i just feel like my third eye is opening. not only is this tactic stupefyingly common, all the people doing it have the exact same personality. unsurprisingly a lot of the profiles i'm being sent are of extremely insecure people who feel a sense of helpless powerlessness which can only partly be blamed on whatever marginalisation axes they're on
Dec 4, 2020 35 tweets 6 min read
Just to remind everyone that if they see someone continually using tortured and repetitive social justice jargon to explain why they don't have to provide any evidence why a person is absolutely evil, what they are doing is a harassment campaign and they should be blocked It's easy to fall for because we all want to be good people but if someone is irredeemably awful, there should be at least some strong anecdotes about their behaviour rather than "I told you that this person is (whatever it is)ist and you are gaslighting by not listening to me"
Dec 3, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Finished the #Animaniacs reboot. It rules It isn't perfect, and there are some genuinely odd choices that start to make some sense when you realise the production staff are 1) people who watched the original as kids trying to recreate as adults how it felt to them at the time, 2) the producer's background is Family Guy
Dec 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Desperately googling out of a sudden fear that I'm one of the two thirds of adults who never get to the formal operational stage Image Oh this is... what The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis is supposed to teach you to do ImageImage
Jun 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
RLB situation is sad and unjust but if you didn't see it coming I don't know what to say an actress's lukewarm attempt to draw attention to the way police violence against Palestinians is part of the same movement of police violence that is against black people in the US is now considered so disgustingly anti-Semitic that it gets people fired. you voted for it, pals!
May 1, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
just watched a bbc4 documentary on music in the Nazi German and Stalinist regimes and it was pretty good but did a pretty unwarranted character assassination on Carl Orff at the end the presenter called 'Carmena Burana' (really just the O Fortuna bit everyone knows) 'empty music' which supposedly embodies Nazi values perfectly which doesn't really go with the fact that it was written by one of Brecht's mates and banned for 7 years for being pornography
Apr 16, 2020 58 tweets 19 min read
idiotically i am now playing the original PSX #FF7 and oh my GOD it's not my imagination how much more fun Cloud is in this version? his fourth or fifth line is doing a backflip, striking a pose and then hitting on Barret Barret comes off a lot harder here, with Wedge asking about the money and him thumping the crate to shut him up. In OG, I get the impression the reason AVALANCHE are in awe of Cloud is because he stands up to people they don't have the guts to #FF7