Fair and Just Prosecution Profile picture
Transforming justice by supporting elected prosecutors committed to a more equitable, humane, and fiscally responsible criminal legal system.
Steve Claus Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 29 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, 55 criminal justice leaders filed an amicus brief urging a federal court to strike down Indiana's civil asset forfeiture system, which currently allows for cases to be prosecuted by private attorneys who are paid more as they confiscate more.
A photo of a judge’s gavel atop a stack of cash is overlaid with a quote from an amicus brief that reads, “When people observe that a private prosecutor is allowed to take away a person’s home, car, or other means of support, and that the attorney benefits monetarily from the resulting forfeitures, the community will lose faith in the legal system.” “Public trust is the essential currency that law enforcement authorities need to get buy-in and engagement from our communities. Indiana’s civil asset forfeiture structure erodes trust in the legitimacy of our state’s justice system..." -@MCProsecutors @ryanmearsindy
Aug 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In @latimes, @BerkeleyLaw's Erwin Chemerinsky, former LA DA Gil Garcetti, and FJP's @miriamkrinsky argue that CA's three strikes law is antithetical to justice and explain why the CA Supreme Court must protect DAs' discretion to decline these enhancements. latimes.com/opinion/story/… “[I]nexplicably, a California Court of Appeals recently ruled…that district attorneys are required to pursue all three-strikes enhancements…. This is a misreading of the statute and an unconstitutional restriction on prosecutorial discretion.”
Jun 24, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
With the end of Roe, 83 elected prosecutors have pledged today to use their well-settled discretion and not criminalize those who seek or provide abortions. Read the statement and find out if your DA is on the list: bit.ly/3Ht5Unu
#WhereIsMyDA #RoevWade Background is a grey and white watercolor American flag. Blu These elected leaders collectively represent nearly 87 million people from 28 states and territories and the District of Columbia, including nearly 27 million from 11 states where abortion is now banned or likely to be banned. #WhereIsMyDA bit.ly/3Hu7YMm
Nov 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ In this new op-ed in @NBCNewsTHINK, @innocence co-founder @barryscheck & FJP’s @miriamkrinsky discuss the critical role elected prosecutors play in both preventing wrongful convictions and addressing past injustices through Conviction Integrity Units. nbcnews.com/think/opinion/… 2/ “A September report from the National Registry of Exonerations...found that prosecutorial misconduct...played a role in 30 percent of cases between 1989 and 2019 that later resulted in exonerations.” @exonerationlist law.umich.edu/special/exoner…
Oct 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ 64 elected prosecutors issued a joint statement today affirming that they will not prosecute abortion decisions, even if the protections of Roe v. Wade are eroded or overtuned. Read the statement: fairandjustprosecution.org/wp-content/upl… 2/ "[A]s prosecutors we should not and will not criminalize healthcare decisions such as these – and we believe it is our obligation as elected prosecutors charged with protecting the health and safety of all members of our community to make our views clear."
Oct 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
America is the only country to condemn children to die behind bars through juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) sentences. Read this new @JJIEnews op-ed from @miriamkrinsky, Buta Biberaj, and Carol Siemon on ending JLWOP: jjie.org/2020/10/12/pol… “Our system is sadly predisposed to see the humanity in white children more than children of color; approximately 70% of children sentenced to life without parole have been Black since 2012.”