Frank Noschese Profile picture
High school physics teacher • NYS Master Teacher Emeritus • PAEMST • AAPT Fellow • He/him • #iteachphysics 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Kevin McChesney Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 14, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
Ideas for online assessments I picked up this summer:

1. Ask students to show multiple representations: position/velocity graphs, motion diagrams, force diagrams, energy bar charts, etc. Maybe don't mandate which ones to do but give a choice - "do any two" (ht @achmorrison) 1/8 2. Turn a closed problem ("How far will the box slide?") into a design problem: "If the box's mass can range from 1-5 kg, initial speed can vary from 2-7 m/s, and can slide on carpet (u=0.8) or tile (u=0.3), design a scenario so the box slides 3-4 meters." (ht @bcphysics) 2/8
Jul 28, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I took an online Python course from MIT edX. Partly to expand my basic Python knowledge. Mostly to be in "student mode." Here's a thread about the structure of the course and what I learned to help inform my remote teaching for the new school year. Skip to the end for TL;DR 1/13 The course was asynchronous. Work was released in weekly chunks. Each week followed the same format: video lectures interspersed with exercises to check for understanding, followed by a problem set. The consistency was super helpful! No surprises. 2/13
Sep 5, 2018 208 tweets >60 min read
Day 1: Marshmallow challenge, vector treasure hunt, and relative position vectors. #teach180 #iteachphysics Day 2: Hot hot hot! #teach180