How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Optimal results are top-notch results that distinguish you and sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. In an ever increasingly competitive world, it is only by producing optimal results that you get ahead. #ChatWithTundexFola The nest step towards the development of one’s self-leadership is to IDENTIFY what must be done towards the attainment of your set goals and objectives in life. #ChatWithTundexFola Self-leadership therefore can best be understood as the process by which individuals exert influence upon themselves in ensuring that they maximize their potentials to the fullest. #ChatWithTundexFola Also make sure that you do not come off as a liability but rather as an asset. When your mentors need to get something of great importance done, you want to be the first person that comes to their mind. #ChatWithFola #ChatWithTunde A mentor is one who has attained the heights you wish to attain and is able to provide guidance to you towards attaining the same heights. A good mentor will not only help you attain your desired goals but would also equip you with the tools to exceed them. #ChatWithFola Yes, it is advisable to follow up if you have not gotten a feedback after this time. But also bear in mind that the schools may be very busy especially building up to the time for admissions. A very important component of your research proposal should be its contributions to the body of knowledge by clearly mentioning the gaps you hope to fill in the existing literature. It may be helpful to include hypothesis if you have any that set the course for the research. Then a methodology section should also be included which should clearly spell out how you intend to collect and analyse data. Also very often some candidates try to come up with topics that they hope has the potential to ‘change the world’. This is often the case with doctoral studies. Starting out this way could be counterproductive and quite misleading. See it as an opportunity to introduce yourself to a committee of experts who may not have the chance to meet with you or speak to you in person until a decision is made. So the first thing you want to do when writing a personal statement should be to ensure that you make a compelling case by emphasizing why you are an ideal candidate for admission. It is also important to ensure that you do not necessarily repeat information that is already contained in your CV. But rather seek to stress your academic achievements and professional achievements as well.