How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App policies especially on climate change and student loan waivers. But more than that, I think it is time for all to reflect why an avowed socialist could win 22 states in one primary and is a front runner in another. If PC excess was the reason behind rise of Trump then perhaps @SureshNakhua @vijai63 1. Gary L Bauer- Former president of Family Research Counil and Senior VP of Focus on the Family an organization whose proclaimed mission is to "promoting biblical truth worldwide" & whose positions include Creationism/abstinence-only-sex-education(no contraceptives) it is oppsed program was in the memory of veteran artist prabhakar barve. Palekar was aware of what the program was for , that he chose to bring poltics in it shows 1. His own bias 2. Contempt for audience who were there for a prog about Mr Barve not for a rant on intolerance. Organizers