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Everybody counts or nobody counts. We will not walk in fear, one of another !
Sep 3, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Reading of 2024. A mid-year note.
Behind on reading/listening targets. Not sure about the reason/s but things are looking up now.
List of books listened on Audible in 2024-
1. Gradual- The case for incremental change in radical age - Aubrey Fox and Greg Berman. 2. Trip to Echo Spring : Why writers drink- Olivia Laing
3. The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the brilliant, bombastic Roger Aisles built Fox News and Divided a Country- Gabriel Sherman
4. Anxious Generation- @JonHaidt
5. Climb- @chrisfroome
Feb 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Thoughts on #BernieSanders #MayurOnUS2020 - contrary to what Republicans and rw the world over think ,Bernie isn't the easiest path for a 2nd Trump term. He is a coin toss - will win or lose in a landslide and America needs to think long and hard if it can stand even one term of His policies especially on climate change and student loan waivers. But more than that, I think it is time for all to reflect why an avowed socialist could win 22 states in one primary and is a front runner in another. If PC excess was the reason behind rise of Trump then perhaps
Jan 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
To whomsoever it may concern-

Please know that government or its head (the PM) is not at the negotiation table with you. He or they are not constrained do anything to make you show the document. They can coerce you. They are empowered to coerce you. One more thing- the celebs running these nahi dikhayenege hashtags will stand in a line and show their document and if the govt asks them to carry a self-attested copy their only response will be - one copy or two? For all the twitter bahaduri and midnight hootanannies on Azad Maidan, did you notice how
Dec 10, 2019 12 tweets 10 min read
I have written about USCIRF, essentially an evangelical owned & operated body that views waging a war on other religions as the only religious freedom. A brief look at some of the current commissioners in this thread @smitabarooah @SureshNakhua @vijai63 @smitabarooah @SureshNakhua @vijai63 1. Gary L Bauer- Former president of Family Research Counil and Senior VP of Focus on the Family an organization whose proclaimed mission is to "promoting biblical truth worldwide" & whose positions include Creationism/abstinence-only-sex-education(no contraceptives) it is oppsed
Oct 7, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Should I do a small thread on how @realDonaldTrump would have tweeted if he was pitted against the #Aarey protestors ? Here goes. No malice for anyone. Pure fun.
1. WITCH HUNT - failed newspaper times of India claims I am responsible for massacre of trees in Mumbai. Total Lies. Media is pathetic. Environment is in great shape. #MakingLoggingGreatAgain
Feb 10, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Ok, this falsehood needs to stop here and now. Only one with shameful behaviour was the veteran actor trying to use the platform to further his agenda. Ans this bcoz of all people speaking about this @rahulpandita is as close to a neutral as you can hope for. Here are the facts The program was in the memory of veteran artist prabhakar barve. Palekar was aware of what the program was for , that he chose to bring poltics in it shows 1. His own bias 2. Contempt for audience who were there for a prog about Mr Barve not for a rant on intolerance. Organizers
Jan 21, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Mansplain is the first refuge of moral cowards who can't hold a civilized argument. What I did was smart-splaining may be, I am sure these would have been just as obtuse even if they were men. The purpose of using the term mansplain isn't making a point in an argument. The purpose is shutting down debate by accusing, nay, convicting a man of sexism , simply for disagreeing with you. These people are the real traitors to the cause of non left liberalism.