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Asst Prof @YorkULAPS. Listen @replaythepod. شمعة🕯Gamer 🎮 Music-lover 🎹 she/her 🔥🌱🌺 (reposts are not endorsement) (views not my employers')
Aug 4, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Hinshaw’s op-ed doesn’t even acknowledge that Alberta is one of the only places in the world to stop testing & isolating, that we have lower vax and higher case rates than the rest of the country, that ppl need data to do risk assessment. How disingenuous. What an embarrassment. Comparing covid to other health issues or causes of death (like sports injuries or car crashes or cancers) is obviously bad faith. Covid is a novel virus that spreads quickly and has known and unknown long-term effects.
Jul 9, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
#COVID19 is leading to increased cases of autoimmune neuro disorders, including #ADEM, which happened to me some years ago from a different virus. I hope sharing my experience will help ppl understand how dangerous Covid is even for healthy young ppl. 1/… I had a cold, not mild but not terrible either, and I recovered fine as I always had. The next week, I started getting a headache, the worst I’ve ever had. After a few days of this, my text messages and speech stopped making sense. My friends and family got worried. 2/
Sep 8, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's the cover for Mark Hecht's self-published book (the author of the white-supremacist article in The Vancouver Sun). His work is on invasive species and that that makes him qualified to write about immigration is fundamentally dehumanizing and racist. 1/ Note the title, _The Rules of Invasion: Why Europeans Naturally Invaded the New World_. Some invasions are just "natural," it seems! And, hilariously and without citation, the cover proclaims "An emulous rival to Guns, Germs, and Steel." 🤣 2/