Husband, Father, Engineer (Ruby, Rails, Python, PHP, Elixir), Blogger, Former Founder of Feedster, NTERGAID & more. Author of Job Hound, Pizza for Ukraine, etc
Jul 21, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
I'd like to talk to you about hacking IKea Bror metal shelves for better holding aquariums. My wife has a large number of aquariums and she recently put a 20 gallon aquarium on the top shelf area of her Bror shelves. #ikea@ikeahacks
And it was ok for about 2 days. Then I walked through her office and noticed that it was cantilevered out from the wall about 20 degrees. Terrifying because if it moved more, it would topple over, breaking two aquariums, killing the fish (No pic; too scared
Jul 21, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
If you aren’t a Mac person then you likely don’t get just how wonderful Mac software can be. Let me tell you a tale of Retro Batch and Flying Meat. @flyingmeat@daringfireball
RetroBatch is an OSX app which lets you batch process images with a graphical workflow. Here’s the workflow I just developed: