Kit Marie Rackley MCCT (Geogramblings) Profile picture
I'm leaving this platform. Why and where am I going?:
Mar 25, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
🧵Ready for some wild #StarTrekPicard theories? As the lovely @wilw would say, "Red Alert!" Don't go any further if you want to avoid #PicardSpoilers... First, end of #StarTrekPicard 3x04. The scene with Jack & the mirror was almost frame-by-frame aligned with Picard's 'daydream' at the start of First Contact, along with a familiar voice. Making me think there is some connection with the Borg and Jack ..>
Mar 11, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
🧵#StarTrekPicard #TransRights etc (#PicardSpoilers)
S3 of Picard is incredible. For me it's a perfect mash of 'traditional' old-school Trek & modern Trek. But the writing, brought alive by stunning acting & directing is something else. Here's one e.g which means a lot to me... ... We're introduced to Captain Shaw, played outstandingly by @ToddStashwick. A character in a position of power and privilege who on first impressions is, albeit totally wrong in his initial exchange with Riker and Picard, is a bit of a dick about it ...