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May 25th 2023
On the 23rd of May 2023, @Channel4News broadcast its investigation into the Equality and Human Rights Commission @EHRC, which, in our opinion, has been a mouthpiece for the government for a significant time.

THREAD: 1/13
We were the first LGBT+ organisation to offer evidence of all the concerns - and within the past twelve months, we have made three submissions (one 61 pages long) to the United Nations (GANRHI), calling out collusion, conflict of interest and impartiality of Board members.

We often have passed this information on to other #LGBTQ orgs who have used this information in various ways, obviously not in our control. We note that @Channel4News made little reference to our allegations in their report but hope one day, that will happen (@jobrabkin).

Read 13 tweets
May 13th 2023
One thing I would love all pro trans activists to hear: your stupidity, your scientific illiteracy, and your sense of entitlement are sadly not protected characteristics. Wear whatever the fuck you want, just don't deny your sexed body and stay out of single sex spaces. Enough!
Stop using the same tired bad faith arguments that aren't smarter now than the first time they were uttered. No-one cares who you think you are in your head. No-one cares you altered your driver's license or birth certificate. No-one takes your pronouns requests seriously.
Those so-called rights you aspire to that you don't already have are all boundary crossing transgressions of the worst kind. Fraudulently altering driver's licenses is bad enough, but some of you manage to alter birth certificates "after the fact". What a cynical assault...
Read 8 tweets
May 8th 2023
Whether you're Left, Right, or Centrist, #GC, #TransRights, #BlackLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter, pro-#NHS, anti-#lockdown, #Republican or #Monarchist, the Govt's draconian, antidemocratic, & anti-free speech Public Order Bill should concern #EVERYONE. 🇬🇧
GENEVA, 27/04/23:

The Public Order Bill, which has now been passed by the UK Parliament, is deeply troubling legislation that is incompatible with the UK’s international human rights obligations regarding people’s rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly & association.
“This new law imposes serious & undue restrictions on these rights that are neither  necessary nor proportionate to achieve a legitimate purpose as defined under international law.”
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk.
Read 11 tweets
May 4th 2023
Because gun violence is so pervasive in America, cartoonists often combine it with other important issues to create editorial cartoon "twofers"

Some powerful examples

🧵1/3 #BanWeaponsOfWar #GunControl #GunViolence #GunWorship #CRT #DragHysteria #LGBTQ #TransRights #ABlueView Image
Because gun violence is so pervasive in America, cartoonists often combine it with other important issues to create editorial cartoon "twofers"

Some powerful examples

🧵2/3 #BanWeaponsOfWar #GunControl #GunViolence #GunWorship #CRT #DragHysteria #LGBTQ #TransRights #ABlueView ImageImageImageImage
Because gun violence is so pervasive in America, cartoonists often combine it with other important issues to create editorial cartoon "twofers"

Some powerful examples

🧵3/3 #BanWeaponsOfWar #GunControl #GunViolence #GunWorship #CRT #DragHysteria #LGBTQ #TransRights #ABlueView ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
1/ So what’s the plan? March? Boycott? Lawsuits? Strike? Walkout? Is there coordinated nationwide action? What am I missing? Please read whole 🧵
#Abortion #AbortionRights
#TransRights #LGBTQ
2/ The #GOPextremists assault on women’s rights & trans rights is only going to spiral further out of control.
Please read the whole 🧵
#Abortion #AbortionRights
3/I’d like to see a VERY large group of women sue the shit out of every legislator endangering pregnant women’s lives.
Pls read the whole 🧵
#Abortion #AbortionRights
#HealthcareIsAHumanRight .@BlueFutureNow
Read 8 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
🧵 In response to MO Attorney General Bailey’s latest attack on gender-affirming care, we are having pop-up clinics for new gender-affirming care patients in Springfield (MO), STL, & Fairview Heights, IL, starting Monday, 4/17. Learn more:…. #NoMOTransBans Looking to start gender-aff...
MO Attorney General Bailey is abusing his power to attack trans Missourians. We sued to stop his sham investigation into our gender-affirming health care program, which serves patients 16 & older.
On Thursday, 4/13, AG Bailey issued an emergency rule that would effectively ban gender-affirming care in MO for adults & young people. We encourage any Missourian interested in starting gender-affirming care to make an appointment before the regulation takes effect on 4/27.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
As you may know, March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility. It's one day full of celebration of transgender people as we rejoice in being proud of who we are.
Additionally, this day is about raising awareness of discrimination, bigotry, and hatred faced by transgender people worldwide.

Visibility is intentional defiance when people hate you and want you to make yourself small.
Trans Day of Visibility is not just a celebration of being trans and belonging to such a vibrant, beautiful community, but doing so despite society's messages that we should be ashamed of who we are.
Read 23 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Since yesterday’s tweet (where I broke down a scientific study JK Rowling posted about blood/sex/gender), I’ve seen the argument that ‘sex is real’ because of chromosomes used to support anti- #transgender rhetoric. So today I’m sharing some biology in support of #TransRights
Let’s consider chromosomes first. The anti-trans argument says XX is female/woman and XY is male/man. That’s the gender binary. But biology isn’t binary—it’s messy. You can be born XXY or XYY. You may be born with aspects of both sexes along a spectrum. It’s also true for animals
A true XXY, what we call Klinefelter syndrome (47 chromosomes). 64% of those with the condition are never diagnosed (Jeannie Visootsak, MD, MSc 2014) and most who are only notice in puberty. About 1 in 500 are born with XXY. Now, XYY occurs in about 1 in 1000.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
JK Rowling is up here suggesting blood is gendered and you have to get transfusion from the same bio sex you were assigned at birth (supporting her anti #transgender rhetoric) Before the blow up, some key information regarding the study she refers to—let’s get the facts 1/
There was a study. But: “The American Red Cross and the researchers themselves were quick to say the study is not definitive enough” and “three teams were from different countries, used different data sets and all had slightly different findings.” So what were the findings? 2/
The study suggested there may be a 2% decrease in how long a chromosomally male patient lives after cardiac arrest transfusion from a person who had been pregnant. (Loss: about one year of extra life) But the study was limited, using different data set. What would prove it? 2/
Read 8 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
🧵So listen up #NewZealand - especially all of those who stood up for #TransRights yesterday. I need to tell you about a man named Sanjana Hattotuwa and some advice he had for the recent teaching union conference, where he was a Keynote Speaker /1
This man is an expert on Social Media, he spends hours every day researching and delving into the worst of the filth and abuse and horror online, and believe me, it's worse than any of us could ever know. Not all heroes wear capes. One of them works for Otago University. /2
At the conference, during the Q&A someone asked what country we could look to as an example of how to push back against this radicalisation and programming of hatred, fear and violence which is welling up online.

He looked at us and said 'You're living in it.' /3
Read 14 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
#LGBTQIA friends affected by Anti-Trans legislation in red states - NY is not a perfect state, but head to #Buffalo. We have a thriving LGBTQIA community. Housing is midrange, w lots of options for older adults & those w special needs. Arts, culture, music, food, sports.
We aren't perfect. There are a lot of MAGA here, but there is also a lot of diversity & progressives trying to mend fences. If you want info about Buffalo, post below. I will do my best to answer. We can be your refuge. ❤️🫂🏳️‍⚧️ #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#Jobs in #Buffalo - Mostly education (union), manufacturing (union/midpay), restaurants (low pay) & a large medical corridor. If you work in any medical field - the best-paying option. Unions here, too. #SUNY has some of the best health insurance in the country. #TransRights
Read 11 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
#TransRights = #HumanRights 💛

We are outraged by the hate speech and transphobic displays that took place in #Melbourne over the weekend. Transphobia, white supremacy and bigotry has zero place in our society. 🧵
Right now, we are seeing an unprecedented attack on trans rights from anti-trans hate groups. There are no federal or state laws in Victoria that protect LGBTQIA+ people from vilification.
We're also concerned that @VictoriaPolice failed to act in accordance with their human rights obligations during this rally, with reports of excessive force, intimidation, and a biased and discriminatory approach to crowd management.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
🧵#StarTrekPicard #TransRights etc (#PicardSpoilers)
S3 of Picard is incredible. For me it's a perfect mash of 'traditional' old-school Trek & modern Trek. But the writing, brought alive by stunning acting & directing is something else. Here's one e.g which means a lot to me...
... We're introduced to Captain Shaw, played outstandingly by @ToddStashwick. A character in a position of power and privilege who on first impressions is, albeit totally wrong in his initial exchange with Riker and Picard, is a bit of a dick about it ...
... Our first impression of Shaw actually came ahead of the 'blue steak' scene. When Picard introduces Seven to Riker, she interjects, saying she is referred as 'Commander Hansen' at the wishes of Shaw. Trekkies know the journey Seven has been through with her identity ...
Read 19 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
1/10 ¡Hoy queremos recordar desde nuestras #MemoriasTrans a una de las figuras trans más influyentes y revolucionarias en la música pop internacional! Dana International es una cantante israelí, nacida en Tel Aviv en 1972. #DanaInternational Portada de disco DivaFoto de Daña en el escenario. Lleva vestido negro y plumas Foto de Daña en el escenario. Lleva vestido largo de color Foto de Daña posando orgullosa y coqueta. Lleva corsé de e
2/10 Dana comenzó su carrera en la música en 1993, ganando el Festival de la Canción de Israel con su canción "Diva". Con esto, se convirtió en la primera persona transgénero en ganar un concurso de este tipo en el mundo. #TransRights

3/10 En 1998, Dana representó a Israel en el Festival de la Canción Eurovisión, con su canción "Diva". Con su victoria, rompió barreras y estereotipos, demostrando que la diversidad y la inclusión son valores importantes en la música y en la sociedad.

Read 10 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
My timeline has been reduced to mainly promoted posts, RW and #Brexiteer type posts with just a spattering of my usual collaborators.

I usually RT a lot of posts, if you think I’ve stopped I haven’t. I’m just not seeing them.
#RejoinEU 🥴
My priority on Twitter has always been #IHateBullies / challenge #Brexit / promote #RejoinEU I”Also related equality issues.
#StopTheHateNow #HarryAndMeghan
#Immigration etc
etc …
New Twitter #algobot seems to have skewed my timeline -
#Catch22 Not sure how to deal with new Twitter algobots - I no longer see many posts about issues unless I post a lot about them - only tend to post RT a about things I see. 🥴
Also reluctant to set up any ‘circles’ that only include accounts I’ve ‘approved’
Read 6 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Why are our school board members sinking time and resources into a bill that will harm our students? Why aren’t they focused on improving Conway schools? Yellow background with a photo of board members Linda Hargis
Next Tuesday 2/14, the Conway School Board is holding its monthly meeting in the Conway Public School District Admin Building (2220 Prince Street). Public comment is open, and WE NEED SPEAKERS! Sign up to speak by emailing Superintendent Jeff Collum at Blue background with yellow-and-black text that reads, “Sp
Conway School Board members Linda Hargis and Jason Naylor, Jr. testified to the Arkansas House committee on January 26th in support of HB1156, a bill that would ban transgender children from using the correct bathroom or staying with the correct gender on school trips.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
🧵It’s disappointing to see States like Utah and Arkansas passing laws condemning gender affirming care without looking at the facts. You can’t be the pro-life party and continually pass laws that don’t save lives. #txlege #LGBTQ #transrights
Suicidal thoughts for trans or non binary Americans is 54% and 29% of those actually do take their own lives. Parents are fighting to keep their children alive, with mental health support and gender affirming care. They are doing the right thing to keep their kids alive!
While we stand by LGBTQ+ families and their personal freedoms and rights to choose what’s best for their children, we also stand by the Gender Affirming Care Doctors.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Today gives us nineteen bills, most of which are targeted at healthcare and trans youth. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates 🧵 ⬇️
Today's birth certificate bills: 1. Mississippi HB1074 was introduced and sent to the House Judiciary Committee 2. Alaska SB27 was sent to the Senate Health & Social Services Committee.
Birth certificate bills try to make it harder for trans folks to have ID match their gender identity. They tend to force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth. Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to update a birth certificate.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Today, there are 5 moved bills, 6 new anti-trans bills, and 3 GOOD bills! Here's a thread of today's updates 🧵 ⬇️
Today's birth certificate bills: 1. North Dakota HB1474 was introduced. 2. Oklahoma SB731 pre-filed an abortion bill & sex definition bill. 3. New Hampshire HB396 has a hearing on the 26th (Link ->…).
Birth certificate bills try to make it harder for trans folks to have ID match their gender identity. They tend to force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth. Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to update a birth certificate.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Today, there are 5 moved bills, 6 new anti-trans bills, and 3 GOOD bills! Here's a thread of today's updates 🧵 ⬇️
Today in healthcare bills: 1. Utah SB0016 had a Health and Human Services Committee Hearing at 4pm EST; 2. Utah HB132 was sent to the Rules Committee 3. Nebraska introduced LB574.
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
I teach high school in Oklahoma. I am faculty advisor for our Gender and Sexuality Alliance. I have written extensively about diversity, equity, and inclusion in Oklahoma public schools. I am passionate about student democracy and increasing student voice. 🧵
I openly declare that trans girls are girls and that Black Lives Matter. I teach African American History through an antiracist lens.
I am a proud union member. I am a registered “independent” voter. I am a formerly ordained Christian minister. I hold a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. I am an award winning teacher and activist. I am an adjunct university professor.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Many of you may be wondering who Byron Donalds is? Let me enlighten you on my two time opponent.

Byron Donalds has an open rebellion among other Republicans in #SWFL for attacking women in public with him and his staff physically intimidating them (and me)…
Byron Donalds loves Donald Trump (and also DeSantis) and is playing them both. But he also loves being the guy that can say things other Republicans can’t.…
Read 29 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
1/ Ich frag mich die ganze Zeit: Warum hört die Causa Vollbrecht nicht auf nach X Monaten? Wie andere Shitstorms auch?
Weil diese Nummer alle Themen, Figuren und Zutaten für neue rechte Allianzen hatte und hat:
2/ „Wissenschaftsfreiheit“ – Ministerium, Uni und NetzwerkWissenschaftsFreedom fanden zusammen

„Biologie“ – breiter Anschluss für alle möglichen Expert*innen mit Biologiebuch, common-sense-appeal
3/ „Junge Doktorandin“ – Figur angeblich ohne politische Hintergrund, erlaubt „Wissenschaft vs Aktivismus“ auszuspielen

„Linke Feministin“ (lt. Autonomie-Magazin) – wesentlich zur politischen Verwirrungsstiftung, man fühlt sich progressiv, kann „junge Frauen schützen“ etc
Read 14 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets

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