Gerry McCartney Profile picture
Professor of Wellbeing Economy at the University of Glasgow. Honorary Consultant in Public Health. Tweeting in a personal capacity
Nov 28, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
1/12 Our book, ‘Social Murder? Austerity and life expectancy in the UK’, by David Walsh and I, is out today. It details how mortality stopped improving in the UK and other countries as a result of austerity policies damaging the building blocks of health. Here’s a brief summary: Image 2/12 Life expectancy and mortality in the UK and other high-income countries had improved continuously for decades. However, after 2012 these improvements slowed down or reversed, and for the most disadvantaged groups got worse Image
May 25, 2022 6 tweets 9 min read
@VHSComms @ClaireJStevens @SP_HSCS @theGCPH @HealthFdn Along with colleagues I was delighted to be invited to give evidence to the health inequalities enquiry at @SP_HSCS yesterday @VHSComms @ClaireJStevens @SP_HSCS @theGCPH @HealthFdn I made the point that #healthinequalities are determined by the fundamental causes, the inequalities in income, wealth and power which are shaped by political economy, and that we need to tackle these to be successful…
Apr 30, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
There has been a lot of discussion about what the ‘true’ number of #COVID-19 deaths is across the UK. This thread teases out some of the key issues… 2/6 Deaths certified with COVID-19 are counted as COVID deaths by @NatRecordsScot and @ONS. However, there are many more deaths since the pandemic began than can be fully accounted for by the deaths certified as COVID (i.e. ‘excess deaths’)…