Sandra 🗽“with fear for our democracy, I dissent!” Profile picture
Mktg/Organizer/Advocate/Volunteer/Ohio State Alum/Living Proof/⛳️ in-one/Spelling🏆/MSP-ATL- CMH.
Jun 1, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
I’m @cbusmetroclub panel on HB 616 “Ohio’s Don’t Say Gay/ Don’t Mention Race” Bill. We’re already treated to RW talking points. Troy McIntosh (Ohio Christian Education Network/Center for Christian Virtue) says this bill proposes the state should remain “neutral” on these /1 topics like they do on the religious issue of the resurrection. Issues of identify and American history are not the same as religious beliefs.
Bruce Hooley throws out Fox talking points that this bill promotes “free exchange of ideas and the state shouldn’t advocate for /2
May 31, 2022 • 48 tweets • 20 min read
Ohio @MomsDemand are in the room for this senate hearing on HB99. It was passed by the House last November on party lines. This bill will increase the risk to students & teachers by allowing guns in classrooms w just 2 hours of live training! #SRO #Enough Senate Veterans & Public Safety: Chair Frank Hoagland,
Vice @DrTerryAJohnson Ranking @CecilThomasOH @teresa_fedor @bobdhackett @senbobpeterson @SteveWilsonOH testimony will be limited to 3 mins “in the interest of time.” /2
Mar 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Locked my account overnight. I replied to @davidhogg111 & the governor yesterday Harassment always follows-esp late night @TwitterSafety!
They don’t have a clue about laws just passed here in Ohio by extremis legislators who re-elect themselves w rigged maps. Gun lobby uses /1 propaganda techniques to sell permitless
carry as “constitutional carry” The tell their supporters it’s a “god given” right to carry unregulated guns anywhere. This is BS. Many Ohioans don’t /won’t understand that permitless carry means no permits! 🙄 It also means /2