Malcolm Tucker Profile picture
Currently residing at His Majesty's pleasure.
Sep 13, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Some thoughts on the Salmond revisionist bullshit in full… Image Salmond says Obama made “a lukewarm statement”

Utterly fantasy from Salmond.…
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I perfectly understand why people rightly point out that comparisons between groups now and the Nazis is upsetting and that the Holocaust is the most abhorrent crime in human history.

But history must not be repeated. And the Nazis didn’t start with death camps. Now I’m not for one minute saying current political parties will end up with genocide, not at all.

But what we do need to be vigilant about is nationalism.

Go to Auschwitz.

I have.

Once you see what happened there you’ll never wave a flag or sing a patriotic song again.
Apr 13, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Scotland under the SNP.

Since Nicola Sturgeon became FM, Scotland has descended into an authoritarian nightmare.

English commentators and colleagues may think this is hyperbole…

But is it?

A Short THREAD Image One of the first things Nicola Sturgeon did when she became FM was to silence dissent among her rivals and allies in her own party, the SNP.

Seriously, talk out of line and you are toast.

You can bullshit about #indyref but not Chief Mammy. Image
Apr 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Spectator article shows up Scottish politics for what it is: parochial, broken and corrupt More
Apr 8, 2022 52 tweets 18 min read
F for Fake:

Sturgeon and the SNP deceive Scots.

They have overseen a litany of failures, scandals, hypocrisy and alleged corruption yet nothing happens.

Ask SNP why?

A Thread. Image Nicola Sturgeon promised when she became FM to be judged on Education. So let’s take a look at that first. Image
Oct 13, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
The SNP’s relationship with Europe.

A thread. Let’s travel back to 1975.

When the EEC (as it was then) in/out referendum was held, the SNP wanted Scotland (and Britain) out of the EEC.

Interesting quote from Alex Salmond below.
Oct 11, 2021 55 tweets 19 min read
The Strange Case of Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon:

A Thread Image Nicola was born in Irvine, July 1970 and attended Dreghorn Primary & Greenwood Academy.

Note: That’s Ayrshire, not Glasgow 👍 Image
May 15, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
A thread:

Many Scots are in denial over Barnett, GERs figures, HS2, we export more to the UK, Crossrail, Currency, future of mortgages and pensions, Churchill sending tanks to George Square, the 51st being abandoned and many many more myths, lies and conspiracy theories.

Why? To create the narrative that England cheats or steals from us.

This is furthered by unpalatable rhetoric by SNP elected politicians who spout knowing lies about our relationship and situation.

They even can’t accept the fact the UK is a country, a unitary state: our country.
Jan 24, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
It seems to me people are deliberately ignoring the differences between elections and referendums.

Referendums are single issue votes that have seismic impacts. Massive change is enacted if change wins.

That is why they cannot be every few years.

Uncertainty kills economy. Refusing to accept the results of referendums is undemocratic.

The position of the SNP/Yes re: Brexit is disingenuous.

A Yes vote in 2014 would have seen Scotland out of the EU.

SNP didn’t campaign for Remain EU. They spent more on a by-election than the Remain vote.
Jan 23, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Welcome to Natland.

We welcome everyone from every part of the world.

The kettle is always on. In Natland we always agree with each other.

Our loyal citizens are placid and obedient.
Jan 11, 2021 52 tweets 22 min read

Debunking the myths and lies of the SNP/Yes and how they’ve radicalised Scots. Scotland subsidises England.…


We spend £81 billion for public sector yet only bring in £65 b.

GERS is collected for the SG and SNP had no issues with it when it suited them.

Can’t have it both ways.