gracie mae bradley *is not here much. on bluesky!* Profile picture
because a man who screams is not a dancing bear writer. Against Borders @versobooks | ex-@libertyhq | or ig @/inrelativeopacity
Jul 19, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
on freedom, on #freedomday (with the caveat that i deal mainly in lukewarm takes):

the ongoing pandemic has, like so many crises, shown that the meaning of 'freedom' is not settled - it is deeply contested, always being negotiated, always being remade it has been alarming but not really a surprise to see a notion of predominantly negative and individualised liberty championed by figures on the right, which have often amounted to 'i should be free to spread this disease and put others at risk as i see fit'...
Apr 2, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
look, i've been debating #vaccinepassports publicly and privately for the whole pandemic, and the rights implications of new tech for years.

the tempting but false binary of 'it's [new tech] or [bad thing] forever' is trite, unhelpful, and unnecessary. thoughts: we're not having this debate in the abstract. #vaccinepassports would be deployed on the ground of the current Govt's pandemic response and approach to civil liberties and equality to date, and in the context of existing patterns of discrimination and exclusion in society.
Mar 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
we don't get to a world where women are safe and free through total reliance on surveillance and criminal punishment, or by ignoring that the State harms women too - some more than others. the #SpyCopsBill became law two weeks ago…
Mar 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
'upsetting' is all well and good @pritipatel but could you:

1. withdraw your #PoliceCrackdownBill from Parliament this week

2. support an urgent change to the lockdown regs to add an explicit protest exemption

platitudes won't cut it. for everyone saying 'well BLM and other protests have been allowed to go ahead', please read this from @netpol which found that the policing of BLM protests was institutionally racist. people were kettled; people were unable to seek medical attention…
Mar 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
unbelievably belligerent and unsafe behaviour from the police at #claphamcommon this evening.

the primary health risk i saw was the officer who stood right in my face and screamed that he was going to fine me if i didn’t leave immediately. #VigilforSarah the vigil was gorgeous at dusk. people had brought candles and flowers; their children, their dogs. we were wearing masks and at a safe distance from one another.

i do not understand on what possible planet this violent, oppressive response could have seemed like a good idea. Image