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Just a guy. Actually a nice 👦 guy ❤️ you just never know it. 😀 MAGA. Conspiracy Facts.
3 subscribers
Apr 17, 2020 28 tweets 15 min read
Meet Huang Yan Ling, #coronavirus patient zero. Also known as "bat girl" from Wuhan Institute of virology. #COVID19 Where's Huang? As the first infected, she's dead.
Who said one person couldn't change the world? Huang Yanling was from Southwest Jiaotong University and had a major in microbiology she was a graduate student of Wuhan Institute of virology admitted in 2012.
Aug 12, 2019 20 tweets 6 min read
the Patholigist that lied about JFK is sitting in in the Jeffrey Epstein autopsy. Wow.… what is going on here? why in the world would this guy be asked to sit in.