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detrans. inactive account.
fluffy squirrel Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 25, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
trans identification presented the perfect opportunity for me to push myself further back in the closet & deny my truth. i was able to stew on my internalized homophobia & misogyny & come up w absolutely asinine and totally unrealistic theories as to how i actually wasnt female. when i identified as a gay man i used to frequently say: “as a kid i couldn’t picture myself as a woman married to a man. but i also couldn’t picture myself as a woman married to a woman. i CAN picture myself as a man married to a man.” this to me was proof that i wasn’t a woman.
Jun 7, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
so disingenuous & evil. “sexism is explicitly the discrimination based on someone’s sex” how can u disagree with that? it’s a legitimate fact.
it’s true that women are oppressed on more axes than simply sex but why does that require removing bio sex as a protected characteristic? they’re drawing a false parallel & arguing against something no one is claiming. they say “sexism” then switch to “misogyny”.
women DO experience oppression in different ways, which intersect w race, class, disability, sexuality etc. doesn’t mean we don’t ALSO experience sexism.
May 25, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
matfem trans activists are so annoying. imagine calling yourself a materialist and being totally ignorant to the fact that by definition materialist feminism is about “seeing gender as a social construct, with society forcing gender roles, such as bearing children, onto women.” like there is no version of true materialist feminism that considers transwomen women. because materialism contrasts idealism, which is the belief that human consciousness creates reality, the materialist conception is that that material reality creates human consciousness.
May 14, 2019 39 tweets 12 min read
do you think youve experienced #RapidOnsetGenderDysphoria? do you have a child or friend that you think may have #ROGD? i lived w #rogd for 3 years believing i wasnt a girl bc the #transcult told me i didn’t have to be. i wanna answer any questions u have abt #ROGD or #beingtrans also if you’re too nervous to message or reply to me you can ask at my curiouscat! i don’t bite, i promise. :-) curiouscat.me/guessimafab
May 12, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
i’m bad at letting myself be traumatized. i do a LOT of internalizing & repressing & also i’m like .. processing so Much Stuff that‘s emotionally overwhelming & mentally taxing stuff to work on so i can’t do it all the time. and sometimes i feel like i make such little progress. i haven’t engaged with porn in an incredibly long time now but sometimes i feel hopeless because i actually feel like i can’t like disintangle my sex life and relationship with sex from pornography. i don’t mean to imply that i watch it, like it, or support it (because i don’t)
May 9, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
when i look back at the day i “came out as trans” to my parents i feel so overwhelmed w guilt & shame. they & i both had no idea the extent to which the ideology had been hammered into my brain as irrefutable.. they did their best and it ended with a screaming match & me leaving. they had so many questions that i didn’t have answers to because of the huge gaps in logic that i’d been conditioned to ignore. when they pointed them out i became flustered and overwhelmed and felt like i was being attacked for the way that i felt. i left after dinner, sobbing.
May 2, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
sexual orientation and attraction is about sex at birth and if you think that it’s not or can’t understand why people say that it is, you’re probably bisexual the argument about why ppl should be willing to date trans people that goes “so you’re telling me if you fell in love with someone and then found out they were trans you’d just stop feeling that way?” is utterly fucking ridiculous for a number of reasons
Apr 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
here’s the things that females/lesbians have that straight males don’t: healthy communities. and so many are unable or unwilling to form healthy communities with one another. it’s so much easier to be allowed to come into a community that already exists and supports each other. the problem w this is that different communities need to exist for different people with different needs. trans women don’t have the same social, political, & safety issues/needs as females. they both do have their own, but consider what females are fighting for v what TIMs are.
Apr 30, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
so what can you do? upon hearing this information the instinct is to panic. but what’s most important is taking CARE OF THE FEMALES IN YOUR LIFE IN THIS COMMUNITY FIRST. IF I CAN STRESS ANYTHING IT IS THIS: they are READY for you. they have male ammunition, support, and it’s all in real time. any point you make these TIMs will twist. what they need is to be told that they are not alone. that they can talk freely with you about their feelings. that you will not judge them, you care and want to support them.
Apr 30, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
the reality is this: girlhood is traumatizing. if it was not for you, as a female, you are lucky. this is harsh. it is true. they are self aware enough to keep men as a common enemy, but now it’s become men (as an identity) and masculine people. even masculine females have privilege over feminine ones, because they can exhibit toxic masculinity.
another way to make the females in these spaces, many of whom are GNC to begin with, feel guilty and personally responsible for what happens to trans women.
Apr 30, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
morning! good to be back after a 12 hour suspension. you guys were good, quick. you got me on this one: I was quoting you but i guess it was technically inciting violence, since you were inciting violence. oh well, water under the bridge, hm? I’ll be smarter from here on out. ;) we find there are two types of trans identified males (ie trans women). the first would be comprised of same-sex- attracted males. these usually express gender non conformity young and possible sex dysphoria also. we consider these “logged off” trans women.
Apr 29, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
i can’t stress this enough: young, stressed, impressionable females, in the current political climate, want more than anything to be told that they’re doing something good. that they’re helping someone. that they’re on the right side of history. the amount of circles they(/we) will run in to convince themselves that the males who are telling them they’re doing something right have their/our best intentions at heart too. because we do for them. so we make an unreasonable amount of excuses. we find ideological loopholes.
Apr 29, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
in the trans community, its considered a betrayal of your beliefs & politics if u read, follow, or engage with anyone who you’re not already in 100% ideological agreement with. those who do anyway r punished. callout posts emerge frequently, targeting females who break the rules. if a female likes a tweet or a post on tumblr from someone who is gender-critical or who doesn’t listen to trans ID’d males unquestioningly, it and her profile are screenshotted and shared, saying she is a TERF supporter, or a “crypto-TERF”.
Apr 29, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
trans identified males have successfully convinced females (both trans-ID’d and non) in the queer community that there is no such thing as a afab-exclusive experience. ill do my best to explain their argument. for clarity, ill use afab rather than female from here on, as that’s what the community does when arguing.

afab ppl of all gender IDs, sexualities, races, ethnicities, & experiences exist. therefore, no two afabs are exactly alike. 1/
Apr 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
to those not in the online queer/trans community, it may be hard to understand the implications of being accused of being a TERF. the fear of losing your support system, of being on the wrong side of the discourse and labeled The Enemy, it’s pervasive and it becomes an obsession. in the queer community rn, nothing is worse than being a TERF, and violence, even death, for TERFs is celebrated and encouraged. but remember what they mean by TERF: any female who disagrees with any trans identitied male on any subject.