1147+666 = 1813 = 13,18 Vers 13,18 1147 = ilia ilia = Sieger ! 666/37 = 18 = 6+6+6 c+37 ABC & c+6 ABC = inter atomic communication = TOE = TheoryOfEverything
Mar 5, 2024 28 tweets 9 min read
🧵READ the thREAD, slowly
#Code37 #Code6 #AI #AGI
#CalculatingSpace of #ZuseZeusSuezEzus #Primenumberarchitecture
#Bit #Qubit #Qudit
Be as Time=#Beast666
#Revelation …heimnisse-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2009/01/bombig…

Image 2
#Code37 #Code6 #AI #AGI
#CalculatingSpace of #ZuseZeusSuezEzus #Primenumberarchitecture
#Bit #Qubit #Qudit
Be as Time=#Beast666
#Revelation Image
Mar 22, 2023 10 tweets 16 min read
Als #Grundantwort wird in der #Nachrichtentechnik die #Reaktion eines #Systems auf ein #Eingangssignal bezeichnet, wenn sich das #System zuvor im #Ruhezustand (auch #Grundzustand) befand, insbesondere also alle inneren #Energiespeicher des #Systems #geleert waren. Image #This is the definite #proof of the #abuse and #application of #programmable #matter & #time via #Primenumberarchitecture, thus a #mockery of the #victims of #Nineeleven 9/11 AND a #worldwide #show of #power, thus presenting the ability to #blackmail any #country into #obedience Image