Hadi Partovi Profile picture
Founder #HourOfCode, CEO @Codeorg. Early investor: FB, Dropbox, airbnb, Uber, SpaceX. Board of Directors: Axon.
Feb 3, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Schools banning ChatGPT? Instead of banning technology, here’s an example of how schools can adjust to the reality of generative AI. Consider a high school history class, and a typical assignment: to read a history book, and write an essay… (thread) Whether we like it or not, AI can already write a pretty good essay in 10 seconds. And soon AI will include references and better fact-checking, and it will be built into Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Students will undoubtedly use this to “cheat.”
Jan 15, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Coding is dead. Long love coding!

Rise of ChatGPT, Generative AI, and “no code” platforms has caused some to question the long term demand for coders and software engineers.

In many ways this is a story as old as time… (thread) The wheel didn’t quench our thirst for transport.

The loom didn’t quench our thirst for clothing.

New inventions increase demand, not the other way around.
Dec 26, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
I’ve always been proud to be an Iranian American immigrant.

But to follow Stanford’s new language standards, I would need to call myself an “Iranian US-citizen person-who-immigrated.” 

This seems awfully wrong. (Thread) In addition to “American” or “immigrant,” Stanford’s Harmful Language list includes many other basic words or phrases:

“mentally ill”
“white paper”
“people of color”

May 20, 2022 28 tweets 7 min read
I lost my laptop and passport and my most valuable life possession the craziest way. This story is wild, and unfinished… Catching an Uber out of Burbank airport, the driver insisted I put my bags on the ground so he can pack them. When we arrived at the destination, I asked “Where’s my backpack?” He said “What backpack?” I said OMG, can you drive me back to Burbank? He said no, and left.
Aug 25, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Here’s what I said to @POTUS and the top CEOs at today’s Presidential Summit on Cybersecurity: Mr. President, America’s cybersecurity problem is an education problem.
Aug 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ugh … I’m en route to the White House to meet with @POTUS and the top CEOs in the world, and I forgot to pack a tie for the trip. 🤦🏻‍♂️. (Sporting the @codeorg pin though) I finally bought a tie - there’s a place just outside that sells ties for $200 each 😱. Whew, national security disaster averted.
Aug 22, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
As I watch the Afghan evacuations, I remember being left behind in Iran in 1979, when everybody I knew fled the country at a time of revolution and war. My twin brother and I were 6 years old. This is the story of what happened after everybody left: I lived a block away from Pahlavi avenue in Tehran, one of the largest streets where the crowds of the revolution began. My parents told us to stay indoors. There was a lot of shouting and loud noise. I was too young to realize my life was about to turn upside down. Image
Aug 14, 2021 25 tweets 4 min read
25 years ago Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3.0, its first real salvo in the “Browser Wars”. This launch taught taught me how a giant corporation could move at the speed of a startup. Here’s the story: Image I had joined the IE team a year earlier, at age 22. The team was only 9 people and trying desperately to grow as quickly as possible. I remember one question I was asked in every interview: “How soon can you start?”
May 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Nonviolent protest in Bellevue Sq, Washington. Minutes later the national guard drove up and police shot tear gas into the crowd. #ICantBreathe Although looting has now started in Bellevue, what I saw and filmed (with my 3 young kids) earlier today was peaceful. Police rode in on bikes and cars, and teargas cannons went off so we left.
Mar 21, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Today in Vatican City, Pope Francis joined 3 young women to contribute a line of code to an app, became the first Pope to program a computer, and called on students globally to learn computer science for world peace. The pope blessed a plaque bearing the statement: “Computer science empowers young people to create peace in their communities. Everyone should learn how to harness technology, to use their creative power for peace.”