Justice, mutualism, localism, regen, faith, family, gardening, Holochain. Dry bean stan. Busy these days. Disorganised twitterer, but trying to be responsive 🤗
May 25, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@Atotsm2@innov8tor3 I hope it pleases you to hear my colleagues and I had a big long conversation about reaching the next group of people who can have an impact on the young Holochain ecosystem... that's right, people like the baker. Still feels early to invite in the baker, but
@Atotsm2@innov8tor3 it sounds like we're making an intentional shift to reach out to them, especially if they're the kind of baker who has a need for a cooperative economy among artisans in their town, that sort of thing.
May 25, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Hey #Holochain crowd. Recently I learned that all the Holochain betas are creating a lot of confusion among people watching the project. The biggest question I heard was "why so may betas?", followed by "why hasn't the #HoloFuel swap started?"
Read on to learn more. 👇🏻🧵
To some, this seems like a change in plans. Nothing has changed, but the important thing to know is that Holochain and Holo Hosting are two different things. Holochain is a app creation toolkit, Holo is a hosting service.
DWeb camp is an interesting thing. It's more like a festival than a conference. I don't know if the goal is for participants to build things or to connect and recharge, but I don't see why it can't be both.
For me, it was a great chance to simply be with other DWeb folks and know that we're not alone in trying to build digital 'tools for conviviality', as #IvanIllich says -- tools that help us be more human, rediscover our agency, support each other. This work often feels lonely.
Apr 27, 2022 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
"Until the #metaverse"
A poem of uncertain quality
With pictures
By Paul d'Aoust
Until the metaverse
can give me a sacrament
as holy as a ripe peach
still warm from the kiss of the August sun
its flesh and blood poured out as an offering
merely in service to my pleasure